15 Concrete Signs Trusting Them With Your Heart Will Backfire
“They have a handy excuse or explanation for everything. Usually this means they’re pretty good at lying, or at the very least they won’t own up to mistakes.” —Storyteller13
“They have a LOT of stories about ALL the MANY people who have wronged them over the years. You’ll soon realize what the common denominator was in all those cases – them.” — thehollowman84
“Premature justification. If someone is trying to convince you of something that you wouldn’t expect them to have done anyways, be suspicious. (‘Don’t worry honey, I would never cheat,’ when it comes out of the blue. Or, ‘Trust me, I’ve never stolen from anyone.’)” — mdxdx
“An individual who speaks poorly of people they otherwise deem to hold in high regard (e.g. friend, significant other). In other words, they will most likely do the same to you.” — earthly_mango
“When they tack ‘believe me,’ ‘trust me,’ and ‘I promise‘ onto what they are saying. Especially making demands for trust prematurely, shortly after meeting them. Trustworthy people show that they are trustworthy through their actions, not their words. It’s understood that this takes time.” — [deleted]
“When they keep bringing up past mistakes/situations you feel you’ve more than made up for, months/years after the fact. They aren’t going to be happy with anything. They are miserable at best; and their actions are borderline abusive at worst.” — captainwacky91
“He/she blames other people for all of their problems. People like that will do shitty, shitty things and see nothing wrong with it, because it’s someone else’s fault they did it. They’re angels and everyone else leads them to do bad things.” —HariettPotter
“When they threaten to tell someone your secret just because they don’t get want they want.” —killeroftherose
“When your SO always has their phone on them around you, but never seems to answer when they aren’t with you.” — Kshields26
“Forced teaming. If someone starts throwing around ‘we’ this and ‘us’ that without knowing you well, it might be a sign that they’re using a manipulation tactic called forced teaming to create the illusion of a bond that doesn’t exist.” — mdxdx
“They brag to you about how they fooled so and so. Yeah buddy, you’re next.” — TRIGMILLION
“When you’ve just met them and they start telling you a secret about someone we both know.” — nocturnal_beings
“When you catch them is little pointless lies. I can stand that shit! Usually means they are okay with lying about bigger more important things.” — ciaobella88
“Someone who is overly agreeable is always a red flag to me. For one, they’re super easy to like…and by extension, trust… Because they are so non-confrontational. Agree with everything you say, don’t offer free thinking ideas.” — [deleted]
“When they actively hide things. I’m not talking about basic privacy, like not letting someone go through their phone. I’m talking about taking a phone call or replying to a text while they’re with you and then refusing to say who they’re talking with (‘Nobody, don’t worry about it’ is bad, ‘a work friend’ is generally ok). It isn’t fucked up to delete browser history (imo, because it’s fucked up to snoop like that in the first place), but it is worrisome if they close all their browser windows every time you walk into the room. It isn’t a bad thing for them to have friends that you don’t know about. It is weird if they are opposed to you meeting anyone else they know (friends, family, SO).” — CoconutCurry