15 Forever Couples Share Tidbits That New Couples Should Know
“Compromise is not a sign of weakness. It is done out of respect for your spouse.” — Rich-Diamond-9006
“The person they are before you marry them is the person they’ll be after. Don’t believe marriage makes a person change or grow up.” — absinthe00
“It’s okay to do things or spend a full day doing stuff that you enjoy by yourself.” — Present-Skill-4114
“Saying let me ask my wife doesn’t mean I’m asking permission. We’re a team, we make decisions together. Also, if it’s about going to or doing something, I’m really forgetful and want to make sure we haven’t already made plans.” — Salty-Director538
“It’s okay for your relationship to look the way you want it to. Don’t worry about stereotypes or society standards. If you enjoy separate hobbies, great. If you want to play video games together well into your 40s+, go for it. As long as you’re not being abusive towards one another I really do think there’s no right or wrong way to do marriage. It took me a few years to realize I didn’t need to fit some ‘wife mold’ due to the way I was raised and I’m so much happier now that we live exactly the way we want to.” — readyplayer_zero
“Common values matter way more than common interests.” — wwplkyih
“Your single problems will be your married problems. Marriage and your spouse can’t fix you. Work on yourself as much as you can before you get married. For yourself and for your spouse.” — happyharborgirl
“Being married shouldn’t take away from having a good relationship with yourself.” — Electronic-Cattle993
“Find someone who is your biggest cheerleader and vice-versa, no matter what. Life is so much easier.” — SteliosCnutos
“It’s better to stay single forever than to marry the wrong person.” — Bhappy-now
“It’s okay to use two blankets. No one likes to wake up with cold ass cheeks because your spouse stole the blanket.” — sparklingshanaya
“The wedding is just one day and does not fix any issues. It goes back to the exact same relationship afterwards. And if you’re lucky, that’s a good thing.” — No_Yard_7363
“You don’t have to argue or ‘fight.’ You’re different people and it’s okay to not agree on everything. It would be weird if you did! I see a lot of people ‘fighting’ because they’re always trying to get the other person to come around to their point of view. Accept that you’re different and have fun together. In addition to loving each other, you should like each other.” — whatyouwant22
“Love is a choice. Once you choose to commit to your partner, choose to keep loving them. Choose to respond with love and compassion. Choose to put them first, and vice versa. There are definitely exceptions to this, like abuse and cheating. If you go into marriage with a self-centered focus and telling yourself you can leave if things get hard, then you will. Marriage isn’t transactional, where if they don’t meet your needs 100% then you should leave. Marriage really should be a partnership where you are both trying your best and recognizing that what your best is will vary based on your circumstances.” — Dinonugget1801
“Getting married is easy. Staying married is hard. Get help if things seem too hard. My wife and I both carried a lot of childhood trauma into our marriage. A councilor helped is both understand that and gave us tools to handle it. We’re would have divorced without the help.” — Spidey209