15 Major Red Flags That Should Negate All The Green Flags
Anastasia Shuraeva

15 Major Red Flags That Should Cancel Out All The Green Flags

“Refusal to talk about certain aspects of their past. If your partner can’t be open to you about their life, including their relationship with their parents, their siblings or other family members, or the fact that they may have been in jail/prison in the past, been an addict or alcoholic – walk away. Your partner needs to be open to discussion about things in their past that could affect your life with them.” — Just_another_Sue

“Jealousy. Almost always leads to possessive demands, such as not allowing a partner to talk to certain people, partner not being allowed to attend events, go out, or do other social activities without the jealous individual present or constantly in contact. And is also, more times than not, a projection due to the jealous partner either cheating or considering it.” — SilenceInTheSnow

“The lack of a stable job or other clear way to support themselves. A student in college living off loans is fine if they have a clear career path thought out. Somebody on their third job this year because every shift lead they’ve had was supposedly a bitch has some stuff to work out before they should be dating.” — Correct_Curve_2732

“Anger problems. If they can’t control their temper, have serious road rage, blow up randomly for no reason (or for reasons that are not logical to the average person) – huge red flag. The relationship will be unequal, because you’ll always be walking on eggshells around them so you don’t make them angry. “ — Just_another_Sue

“How they treat boundaries. If you set one, someone is either going to test it, or they’ll actively try to help you maintain it. And if they’re the former, things will only get worse from there in how they treat you.” — fieldtripday

“Finding out they want something like kids several months down the road, when in the beginning they swore not wanting any and you’re concrete in not wanting any. Like, I’m not changing my mind so make up yours and stop wasting my time and effort.” — pyrnixas

“If they take more than seven selfies a day… it’s oddly specific in a number of ways but I find it says a lot about one’s character.” — ButterflyOverkill

“Degradation. I don’t care if it’s in your nature to be the kind of comedian that always puts me at the butt of jokes or if you think it’s sexy to emasculate me in bed, that is just a gateway to being a real dickhead to me because I’m letting you get away with so much and there is no going back once I’ve let you have a few. I’ve had friends like this as well, had is the keyword.” — xXDravencrazeXx

“Lies. If your partner lies to you repeatedly about small things, you can guarantee they’re lying about big things as well, and this could be a huge issue for your relationship with them.” —Just_another_Sue

“Littering. Like , blatantly. Throwing trash out of a car window for example. It’s my pet peeve. Of course I’d point it out to them first and see if they stopped doing it but it would still be a huge red flag to me.” — Hippycowgirl411

“When they simply can’t speak to you in a respectful way. And I’m not talking about RESPECT I’m talking about they just say hateful, impatient, rude stuff to you seemingly because they think that’s what you deserve.” — jdrewc

Narcissistic behavior/manipulation. Doesn’t matter how perfect they are otherwise. Because chances are it’s not actually the real them.” — CrackMami

“Cruelty. People can hide it pretty well sometimes but when you see it, it’s best to dip.” — freakylord6258

“How they treat people in the service industry/hospitality. You can be the sweetest most caring woman I’ve ever met in my life that genuinely wants me to be better and is interested in my life and growing together as partners BUT the second they treat someone who may be serving us food or checking us into a hotel or restaurant and treat them like shit for no reason, then it’s time to take my toast elsewhere.” — TOASTED_TONYY

“The older I get, the more there are. I’m not dealing with possessiveness, unkindness towards people or animals, gaslighting or other manipulative dishonesty, rage problems, irresponsible financial habits, excessive bathroom humor… I’m sure there’s more. And I’m not in the business of changing people. If we are talking early/first date stuff, though, I’d say being unkind or stingy with wait staff. Quick and easy pass.” — BoraBoringgg