15 Questions That Will Tell You Everything You Need To Know About A Person
Nesrin Danan

15 Questions That Will Tell You Everything You Need To Know About Your Crush

“My favorite conversation starter is, ‘If you could be any animal, only for a day, what would it be?‘ It (usually) tells you a lot about a person. Aggressive people tend to choose active hunters, calm people choose relaxed animals, and then adventurous people pick animals that let them see the world in unique ways, different to their current view. Without knowing anything about a person, the answer to this gives me a bit to work off of. Sounds stupid, but it really works.” — djlijah

Tell me about your biggest failure. How they tell the story will say a lot. Everyone has a failure that changed their life. Some will say they have never failed, some will still dwell on it as an unresolved conflict, others will tell you how it helped them be who they are today. Did they laugh about it in hindsight? Do they trust you enough to share? Should they trust you?” — lostwriter

What does love mean to you? Answer can explain a lot, a lot of things in a personality can be explained through love a person has or haven’t received.” — DwillCha

If you had to work at a funeral home, would you rather work upstairs with the grieving families or downstairs with the dead? Everyone I’ve asked has answered almost immediately and been surprised how many people go the other way.” — MrsNoFun

“What do you miss the most? If they immediately have an answer you know that what they are saying is a defining part of their life because they didn’t need to think about it. Some people may be tempted to say they miss nothing, because they are happy with their life as it is at that moment. That tells you a lot already, and if you prod them by saying ‘You must miss something from the past,’ and coax an answer, whatever they come up with will surely tell you a lot about who they are and where they came from. If someone hears the question and starts thinking really hard on it, chances are they are weighing several possible things/memories/regrets, and that tells you a lot as well. Whatever their answer is will surely be worth hearing.” — 0RPH

“How do you define success? I ask people I’ve just met this all the time when I want to get a quick look into their personality.” — Kralee

What would you do with a trillion dollars? This is a huge sum of money. People don’t grasp the concept at first. They’ll give generic answers: fam, charity, pay off debt, buy dumb shit. Keep prodding until they have everything they want. What they spend their days doing with no financial obligations and all material items is very revealing. I met a girl who said she’d open a wildlife rehabilitation center. It’s what she probably truly would want to do with her life, and part of the reason I fell for her.” — oWatchdog

“Who is your best friend, and why are they your best friend? This shows me what they highly value in an individual. For instance, my best friend is down for anything. He’ll wake up one day with zero forethought and drive to Mexico on a whim. If you ever want an adventure he’ll always be up for it.” — oWatchdog

“What important truths do very few people agree with you on?” — [deleted]

“If you could do any job you like and earn enough money for anything you want, what job would you choose?” — Cpt__Captain

“What is the last movie you watched that really made you think?” — n0nentity_zero

“You are supposed to lead your armada to conquer a city. There is no wind because the gods are angry at you but you can appease them by sacrificing your own daughter. Would you rather do that or be a failure as a military leader?” — [deleted]

“If you were going to eliminate every taboo from our culture except for three – making it so that the related behaviors or perspectives were accepted – which ones would you keep? You’d be surprised how many people think that certain ‘unforgivably taboo’ topics are actually pretty tame.” — RamsesThePigeon

“When I’m drunk I get in the habit of asking people what they do. I go to college so most of the time people are kinda surprised that I didn’t say the standard what do study. I think asking people what they do allows them to define themselves by either how they actually spend their time, or what activities they find most worthy of talking about.” — wentadon1795

“After reading this thread I’ve come to realize that the best question would probably be what single question can you ask someone to find out a lot about their personality, beliefs, and values? What question you choose tells a lot more about you than any answer to it would.” — Quamann