15 Signs You’re Dating An Insecure Man
Lucas Bordião

15 Signs You’re Dating An Insecure Man

There’s nothing wrong with being insecure — unless you start treating other people terribly because of your low self-confidence. Here are some signs that you’re dating an insecure partner who isn’t treating you the way you deserve:

“Inability to take accountability for one’s actions is a major sign of insecurity. Folks who always deflect blame and try vehemently to exonerate themselves even with the situation is seemingly insignificant are some of the most insecure people around.” — LysergicLuck

“Anyone who feels the need to tell and not show who they are. I’m an alpha, I’m an empath, I’m a nice guy. Just be it, don’t talk about it.” — DramaticHumor5363

“Never apologizing. Some people will twist the story, change the way it happened and retell it so convincingly that they’ll believe their own nonsense but will never apologize.” — Sad-Cunt-420

“Trying to control everything their partner does in a relationship, and putting unreasonable restrictions on who they can speak to, hang out with, or interact with on social media.” — LadyoftheHounds

“Men who expect other men to adhere to strange ‘norms’ over what men should look like seem very insecure. Like guys who think that if you don’t have big muscles, tattoos, a big beard, and aren’t into traditionally masculine hobbies then you’re not as manly. I notice it a lot living in a rural area.” — throwawayofc1112

“Constantly criticizing everyone around them. If you’re content with yourself, you’re not looking to make others feel bad about who they are or what they have.” — expeciallyheinous

“Always having to ‘one up’ people. Like always having to be better or always having to have a bigger problem.” — petitbatte

“Not being happy for anyone else’s success or good news. The jealousy is unreal.” — gsmr86

“Overactive on social media specifically in sharing mundane photos and stories of themselves constantly. And you know who I’m talking about. This isn’t about the people who just make like one post a day or whatever for their little group of followers. I’m talking about the people whose entire personalities are social media and showing off on it.” — Vanilla_Neko

“Not accepting criticism. They go around criticizing everyone and everything but whenever someone criticizes them, they get very angry/upset.” — wusss_poppin_

“Trying to tell impressive stories all of time. So many amazing and or terrible things have happened to them, and they’re somehow always way worse or way more dramatic than whatever it was you were just talking about.” — Revolutionary-Cat111

“Thriving off of attention from the opposite sex. Especially when they make a habit of approaching people that are seemingly happy in a relationship.” — Kiddothebride

“The need to call yourself the best. If you actually are in the running to be considered the best at something, other people will call you the best at whatever it is.” — Chance-Contract-1290

“Trying to make other people’s hobbies seem useless compared to theirs.” — Ralter_lettuce

“Barging into other people’s conversations. You and someone else are talking about something, but they have to barge in to the conversation and try and take it over.” — Scotsgit73