15 Things Women Wish Men Would Stop Doing In 2023
“Unsolicited advice. Don’t tell me to smile, I’m not here for your amusement. Don’t tell me I’d look nicer if I let my hair down, it’s up for a reason. Don’t approach me with some comment about my appearance, I promise I’ll make you feel two cm tall when I’m done with you. I don’t want your comments about me, I’m perfectly happy with myself.” — Batmans-dragon80
“I wish some guys would just accept a simple no and would stop asking again and again and again for something that has already been answered with a no. What I mean is, if a guy bothers you for any reason, like he wants your phone number or any socials you don’t want to give him, you don’t need to provide a reason, because a simple no should be enough. Unfortunately, a lot of men (yes I know, not all) won’t take just a no for an answer and must know the reason.” — HellKaiserFox
“Acting like anger isn’t an emotion and saying women are more emotional than men.” — dizzyducky14
“If a woman tells you she’s a lesbian when you’re flirting, it means one of two things: 1: She is a lesbian. 2: She is pretending to be a lesbian so you’ll stop flirting with her. Either way, you should stop flirting.” — BW_Bird
“When you need to get past me, please don’t put your hands on my waist/hips/lower back to move me aside. I don’t know you. Stop touching me.” — teddybearer78
“Telling us to smile for their ease and comfort. Telling us all we need is sex if our moods don’t suit them.” — MotherOfDachshunds42
“Please stop sending dick pics to random women online. It’s just straight up creepy and gross. If a woman wants to see your dick, she’ll ask for a picture.” — FUCK_INDUSTRIAL
“Blaming women because they don’t want to sleep with you. Ever heard of a self-fulfilling prophecy? Why would any woman want to be around someone who thinks like that?” — NoLack5170
“‘Alpha man’ mentality especially when the guidance tries to make the woman the clear subordinate in some cases with SERIOUS power imbalance instead of a loving equal companionship. Basically treating women like something you can own and not seeing us as people with our own wants and needs.” — Mammoth_Air_2011
“Acting like the Big Man of the Family, the provider, while being so needy that they can’t prepare a piece of toast or pot of coffee or pick out a a pair of clean underwear for themselves.” — kellygrrrl328
“Thinking their wives are live-in maids. It’s not your wife’s responsibility to replace your crusty socks, underwear, or make you a doctor’s appointment unless you’re actually ill or otherwise impaired. Like, does my partner have to deal with my menstrual cup? No. Never.” — ktamine
“Your female friends are just as fully human as your male friends. They’re not pets, or Playstations, or weird robot dolls you have to feed scripts to so they’ll fuck you, or drop on the side of the road if they don’t. They don’t derive their social status from whichever friend of yours they’re dating, and they don’t exist on this earth specifically to entertain your friends’ girlfriends. Sometimes they don’t even like your friends’ girlfriends. On account of they are people, not some kind of…hivemind that happily drones in the background while you and your male friends do Important Man Social Things For Men Only.” — GodOfLostThings
“Following women when they’re walking. I’ve been followed by cars, followed by men yelling at me, had dead silent men follow me to work and then stand outside, follow my friends to a bar we’re walking to, etc. It isn’t all men, sure. But most women have been followed. I don’t know why they do it, to feel powerful I guess? To instill fear that they know where I work or what bus I take?” — waffleironone
“I wish men would stop needing to be told to do something around the house. They have eyes, most of them can clearly see that the trash is overflowing or that they left their dishes out. Pick up after yourself. Learn how to feed yourself and dress yourself. Stop waiting on your SO to be your mommy. Being a man is not an excuse for you to not be able to take care of yourself like a grown up.” — saltyeleven
“Engaging in toxic masculinity. Fellas, you’re beautiful people worthy of support, kindness, and love. It’s healthy to have emotions. ALL emotions. To feel scared, sad, insecure, etc. Support one another. This goes for all genders. Life is hard. Let’s be excellent to one another.” — MountainHighOnLife