16 Mental Health Tips You Need This April
Blaire Harmon

16 Mental Health Reminders To Make This April Healthier Than March

“Your own happiness, inner peace, and wellbeing are the first and most important reason for healing. Not your relationship with others. Not your productivity. Not some kind of messed-up idea of what a healthy person looks like. YOU. You’re worth healing for. Everything else (improved relationships, improved motivation, and productivity) will follow if you’re doing well.” — SeveralFools

“You are more than what happens to you. Also, you have a right to feel angry if you’ve been wronged, but you still have to find ways to move forward. Even if you don’t forgive and forget.” — Levelless86

“Go where you’re celebrated, not where you’re tolerated. This quote got me a lot further in life when I was going through my trauma.” — sudocanna

“Anything worth doing is worth half-assing. Can’t shower? Washcloth. Cant cook? Frozen dinners. Cant exercise? Stand outside for a moment or by an open window. Do the little things.” — crazymissdaisy87

“Would you be friends with someone that talks to you the way you talk to yourself in your head? Be kinder to yourself.” — steppinrazor2009

“You cannot control other people’s actions or feelings. You can only control how you react to them.” — Roselily808

“You know that good feeling you get when you help someone? Asking for help is giving someone else the opportunity to feel that way.” — WingZombie

“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.” — Back2Bach

“If you’re an overthinker, learn to segregate your thoughts by asking yourself is it an assumption based thought or an evidence based one.” — Downtown_Mixture6380

“Worrying about being happy is the cause of unhappiness. Don’t try to be happy in life, just try to live.” — SC-RK-7t

“Always have something to look forward to. Whether it’s a new episode of a show every week or a D&D session with your friends just make sure that you always have something to look forward to during the week.” — Heather_Chandelier

“Mistakes should be treated as lessons not regrets. Once you realize what you have learned from the mistake, let it go.” — Xuntosub

“You are not your thoughts, that’s just brain stuff. In the same way that your heart beats and your stomach digests, your brain generates thoughts, all on its own, and none of it is necessarily true.” — allothernamestaken

“Clean your apartment/house whenever you are feeling down. There is zero chance you won’t feel better afterwards.” — sus_menik

“Strive for improvement, not perfection. Be it walking an extra 5 minutes a day, drinking or eating one less unhealthy thing a day, practicing whatever your craft is for an extra 5 minutes each day. That kind of thing. Relieves the immediate pressure, and you move in the right direction and see results, which is inspiring.” — lcenine

“I was having trouble with a co-worker. She was always criticizing me and annoying me. It didn’t have any practical effect on my job or career (she wasn’t on my team, nor was she in a position of authority) but it was demoralizing and unpleasant. I brought it up with my boss and he sighed and before he walked away, he said only, ‘She’s a bitch.’ It was terrific! I realized, yes, she is a bitch. She complains about me and insults me, because she is an unpleasant person. It has nothing to do with me and it only has the effect on me that I allow it to have.” — substantial-freud