16 Red Flags Your Crush Is Highly Insecure
“Ghosting. You can’t even have a conversation and end things like an adult? Nah, immature as hell.” — UpbeatLeopard12
“Constantly one-upping others in conversation. You know the type, right? You mention you went hiking over the weekend, and they’ve suddenly climbed Everest… twice. It’s like they’re playing a never-ending game of ‘top trumps’ with their life experiences. Insecurity level: Expert.” — MySpoon_IsTooBig
“When someone makes a statement about what they like, then backpedal on that completely when someone else says they don’t like that thing, or that they prefer something else. It sucks to see when you’re getting to know someone, makes me sad.” — JamieBeeeee
“Nothing screams insecurity and low emotional intelligence more than someone who calls themselves an alpha” — jets3tter094
“Not being able to admit when you are wrong and making bullshit explanations or changing the facts to make it sound like you were right all along.” — SuvenPan
“Never being single and hopping from relationship to relationship.” — soundboythriller
“People who put down, make fun of, criticize, or otherwise belittle others for things that they did not choose for themselves. A few examples: race/sex/gender/age, socioeconomic status when they were growing up, physical or mental disabilities, victims of abuse.” — mjc543
“As a man, being overly concerned about looking feminine. Seriously. Real men don’t give a shit. If they want a strawberry margarita, they order one. If they want to wear tights at the gym, they wear them. If they don’t like sports, they don’t discuss them. Real men don’t give a shit. Nothing is more pathetic than a man scared of being seen as feminine.” — Low-Yard-1685
“Asking someone out, being turned down, then not taking the rejection and moving on. I’m talking following and insulting the person that turned them down, stalking, harassing/bullying etc.” — 272027
“Not being willing to listen to someone else’s opinion without screaming about how wrong they are. The art of INTELLIGENT debate is dead, because people aren’t secure enough in their knowledge to be able to actively listen and cordially argue back and forth about a topic. It’s all ‘if you don’t support me 100%, then you must be my enemy too.’” — Toes14
“Loud music in public. It’s just a desperate attempt to assert control over a space when you can’t accept that you have none.” — right_behindyou
“People filtering themselves on dating apps. I get it’s RAMPANT on FB and such because who cares if they appear real on social media or not. However, when you filter yourself on an app designed to land a partner, the illusion is broken as soon as you meet. It’s ridiculous.” — dreadfulwater
“Gossip gossip gossip about other people. Your life must be really small if other people’s mistakes are your main topics.” — iwantsmarter
“Clingers. People that have zero life outside their partner.” — G00Ni37
“Compulsive contrarianism. Every conversation has to be a competition, which they always have to win.” — Faebit
“Defensiveness. Being unable to take criticism. Attacking or berating anyone who has a different opinion.” — chimpomatic5000