16 Things Every Woman Should Remember About Love And Independence This May
Allef Vinicius

16 Things Every Woman Should Remember About Love And Independence This May

“That boy isn’t being mean to you because he likes you, it’s because he’s a jerk. A boy who truly likes you will be kind to you, and treat you with respect.” — Darmop

“Don’t go into a relationship thinking you can change someone. You deserve to be with someone who already put that work into themself.” — fondofbooks

No is a complete sentence. Setting boundaries and not feeling like you need to be apologetic about it creates power, independence, and autonomy. They way girls are taught to say no is to soften it or be gentle about it or offer excuses so they’re saying no by not really saying no.” — Ok_Cartographer_6956

“Don’t be afraid of namecalling. It’s just a form of emotional manipulation eg. ‘She wouldn’t sleep with me because she’s a prude’ or “she didn’t reply to my messages because she’s a bitch.” Nobody is entitled to your body or your time. It’s yours to use as you please.” — Backburning

“It’s okay if you don’t get validation, affection, and compliments from all the people. It doesn’t change how pretty, smart, rich, and talented you are. It’s just that we’re not everyone’s cup of tea. It’s okay.” — century_tina

“Your fear of being single is the #1 insecurity people will exploit in order to manipulate you into lowering your standards.” — VintagePoet82

“If someone describes themselves as ‘nice’ be wary of why they are doing so.” — xor_Kernel_Kernel

“Many boys will make you think that the idea of being a ‘good girl’ is to give them what they want. Don’t fall for it.” — Ghune

“Even if you consent to sex, if you are feeling unsafe or uncomfortable you can stop. Consent can be revoked at any time.” — Not_a_werecat

“Please cut a man off after the first red flags. Those red flags that you think are silly amplify 10x more as time passes. And if everyone around you hates your partner, take that as a sign too.” — anilucy

“The best thing I’ve learned is that it’s okay to ‘be like other girls.’ It’s actually healthy to relate to people. Some of the best women I know credit who they are to the girls and women who they’ve met along the way.” — itschaosbekindx

“Do not share a checking account with anyone. If you live with a boyfriend/girlfriend/friend you should each have your own personal account and split the bills evenly. Even after you are married keep a separate account so you have control over your own money.” — No-Antelope-4064

“You don’t have to have sex…at all…ever. You can go your entire life a virgin and it doesn’t negatively effect your health in the slightest. If a guy tells you he’ll die without sex…he’s lying. If you never want to engage…don’t. It’s actually a lot easier to just not have sex and live your life how you want to live it. Also, never apologize for your period especially to men. Don’t make them feel better for something you’re going through that they will never have to experience.” — The_Book-JDP

“When you’re old enough, get your mammograms. Keep track of any changes in your body that alarm you. Always demand answers concerning your health.“ — Witty_Mountain_2360

“A male being nice to you doesn’t mean you have to or should sleep with him- or entertain his advances at all. Don’t be afraid to tell him to F off.” — lady___eve

“Pee after sex, don’t be afraid to make a scene if you feel like you’re in trouble, chapstick is a great multipurpose thing to have, using a tampon will not make you lose your virginity, that person isn’t picking on you because they like you it’s because they’re shitty and you should continue to avoid them, TRUST YOUR GUT YOU ARE NOT OVERREACTING, never leave your drink unattended, learn how to run in heels, don’t put down other women, it’s okay if you wear makeup or don’t wear it just do what makes you feel comfortable, don’t be afraid to try that hobby you are interested in because you will likely succeed and enjoy yourself.” — mondayeyess