The Exorcist (1973)

17 Fans Talk About The Single Shot In A Horror Movie That Gave Them Nightmares

Horror fans often like to talk about how desensitized to the genre they’ve become. Nothing can scare them! And yet…sometimes there’s a short scene or shot that just sticks with you. One little image can be so terrifying that it’ll leave you up all night. Horror fans recently shared the one shot in a horror movie that scared the shit out of them. If you need a good spook and want a recommendation, keep this list on hand.

The demon in The Exorcist

The Exorcist

That stupid demon face gets me every time! I can’t even look at a freeze frame of it on social media; I scroll away from it as fast as possible.


The birthday party alien in Signs


When it comes to Signs, for me it’s the alien at the kids birthday party that they see on TV. That freaked me the hell out.


The surprise creature in The Descent

The Descent

The Descent where they’re panning around with the video camera and one of the creatures is just standing behind one of the characters.


The eye of a killer in Black Christmas (1974)

Black Christmas

Black Christmas (1974)when Jess decides to go upstairs and one of the doors is barely ajar which reveals the killer’s eye peaking out at her. That has to be one of the creepiest shots I’ve ever seen in a slasher.


The closet shot in The Ring

The Ring

First time I saw that when I was 13… I’ve never felt my heart pound like that. Sent shivers down my spine.. with the sound effects too. My god.


The lawnmower tape in Sinister

Lawnmower. Sinister. Can’t ever get it out of my head.


The tall man in It Follows

It Follows

The tall man coming through the door out of nowhere in It Follows.


The hallway jumpscare in The Exorcist III

The Exorcist III

I came so close to literally pissing myself the 1st time I saw that and I felt like I was being electrocuted for a split second. I’ve never had a reaction to a movie like that before or since.


The head shot in Hereditary


The hard cut to the girls decapitated head in Hereditary.


The nanny in The Omen

The Omen

The nanny with the rope around her neck, smiling and saying “It’s all for you, Damien! All for you!” in The Omen.

Saw it when I was a little kid and it gave me nightmares for a looong time.


Mike in the corner in The Blair Witch Project

The Blair Witch Project

The last shot in The Blair Witch Project where dude is standing in the corner.


Angela at the end of Sleepaway Camp

Sleepaway Camp

Angela’s reveal towards the end of Sleepaway Camp. The shot of her face freaked me out.


Regan’s spider walk in The Exorcist

The Exorcist

I went and saw the director’s cut of The Exorcist at the theater back in the early 2000’s. That part where Regan runs up the stairs backwards on all fours freaked me out.


Zelda in Pet Sematary

Pet Sematary

I refuse to watch or listen to Zelda’s scenes in Pet Sematary since I was a child. I’m now 35.


Baghead in The Strangers

The Strangers

I’m actually pretty lukewarm on the film itself, but the slow focus shot of baghead in The Strangers is masterful.


The demon in Insidious


The first time I saw Insidious and the demon popped up behind Patrick Wilson I had to pause and walk away.


Grandma in the crawlspace in The Visit

The Visit

I have a thing with crawling. In The Visit when the old lady is crawling like a psycho under the house.
