17 Men Reveal The Most Shallow Reason They Would Reject Someone
Andrew Wise

17 Men Discuss The Most Shallow Reason They Would Reject Someone

“If they chew with their mouth open. I don’t want to be sitting across from someone for thousands of meals and have to deal with that.” — [deleted]

“I can’t get myself to talk to a girl if her grammar is terrible. I’ve stopped talking to a couple of otherwise awesome girls because I cringed when I read their texts half the time. (I didn’t come out and say this, but it was still the reason.) Makes me feel shallow as hell but I can’t help it.” — royalwarhawk

“If they show up to a date without at least trying to look nice. I don’t expect her (or, on a rare occasion, him) to dress to the 9s every time we go out, but something more than a t-shirt and shorts would be nice.” — partofbreakfast

“She wasn’t into what I was into in bed. Outside of that we could have gotten along very well but I knew that either she or I would have ended up resenting the other due to sex.” — popemichael

“I wouldn’t date someone who didn’t have a job. (I’m 29).” — Tankadin

“I dated a girl that said ‘like’ unnecessarily a billion fucking times, and I like couldn’t deal, so I like you know…unliked her.” — steverhino

“They’re extremely bad kissers. I dated one girl who kisses with a stiff tongue. When we made out, she would insert it in and out of my mouth like a snake” — TheDrambus

“I refused to date a friend’s friend, because she would pick up her cat, and try to have a conversation with me, about her, as the cat.” — NoxPrime

“I broke up with a girl once because I didn’t like her natural smell.” — Dante-Syna

“A mullet. You commit to the full party, not just in the back.” — [deleted]

“I dated a girl who consistently smelled like pancakes. At first it was cool, I love pancakes anyways. But after a couple dates the smell started to get to me. Eventually I started getting nauseous. So I stopped calling her. Sorry Jessica. I still love pancakes though. Took me a while before I could eat them again.” — Meingos

“I don’t know if this is shallow or not, but I can’t stand when a girl does a child/baby voice. YOU’RE A GROWN ASS WOMAN.” — The_sergeon

“You could be the girl of my dreams, I’m not dating you if you have the same name as my mom.” — endercoaster

“If they care more about what social media sees them as rather than people looking directly at them, face to face.” — justanotherasiankid7

“If they’re not a geek in some way. That might sound weird but when I can talk geek I have a lot easier time talking and it’s less stressful to make conversation.” — Alexandrite-Hamilton

“A smoking habit. I just cannot stand cigarettes.” — mattz0r98

“Don’t know if this is particularly shallow: if they clearly aren’t trying to improve themselves or their lifestyle. Nothing more infuriating than a static person, going through all the same issues all the time and not taking advice to heart.” — ArmedDillo