19 Guys Describe Specific Reasons They Are Currently Single
Taylor Harding

19 Guys Describe Specific Reasons They Are Currently Single

It’s not a bad thing to be single in your twenties and thirties. Some people simply need time to find the right person. Others don’t want to be in a relationship at all. Here are a few reasons why modern men are still single:

I’ve Stopped Trying

“That might just be me in denial, but I legitimately don’t try. I make no efforts to not be single.” — Magnificent_Z

Single Life Is Better Than A Toxic Relationship

“I’m too awkward to connect with most people on a romantic level, and the times I have connected with someone, they’ve almost invariably turned out to be toxic in one form or other. I do get lonely, but I’ve found that’s a lot less painful than either rejection or just being with a very wrong person.” — JedLeland

I’m Focused On Myself

“Because I am sort of selfish, and want to do what I want when I want. I can be alone without being lonely!” — bsickandlikeit

I Don’t Want To Ruin Friendships

“Because I’m afraid if asking a friend out and being told no, and then our friendship becoming awkward. And slowly ever so slowly it whittles away into nothing and I never see that person again. But the only way for me to feel remotely attracted to anyone enough to date them is to get to know them over time. But by the time I get there I decide a sure friendship is better than a possible relationship.” — mr-devilish

I Can’t Read The Signs

“I am very bad at picking up on signals.” — nsears14

I Suck At Texting And Dating Apps

“Because I suck dick at text communication and I’m shy when it comes to meeting complete strangers (ie on the street, grocery store, bus stop, I just can’t initiate a conversation, scare myself shitless). Then when situations do come up where I can meet someone new (like a party), we usually get along great and have plans to hang out again, but then once I send a text or two it’s over. This also rules out online dating or anything like that. “ — sweetnumb

I Have High Standards

“I think my standards are too high and I’m too shy. Damn.” — [deleted]

My Mental Health Gets In The Way

“Anxiety: I’m unlikely to talk to anyone I don’t know, and it takes me a long time to feel comfortable around others. Depression: I don’t like me, because I don’t like me I have a hard time imagining others do.” — No_Holes_Barred

I’m Focused On My Children

“I’ve been spending the last 5 years focusing on being the best dad I can be, and picking myself up from a deep depression and bad breakup. Now I’m finally feeling like my own solid person and have tried to date. I haven’t really found someone who I had that spark with, and I’m so busy that it’s hard to imagine having time to even try to have a relationship.” — Notverygoodatnaming

I’m Not In A Rush To Settle Down

“Being single is like total freedom. When I want to do something or go somewhere, I love not having to think about anyone else. I just do it. Am I open to finding someone compatible with my interests to do things with? Yes. But I’m not in a huge rush.” — handofthrawn

I’m Still Heartbroken

“Recently just got out of a 4 year relationship and am super bummed out about it.” — nickhitnrun

Relationships Are Too Much Work

“I’m single because I’m tired of being in relationships. Being in a relationship is a full-time job whether people realize that or not. It’s now become a mixture of a fear of commitment, not finding the rightish person, and just genuinely enjoying going off the grid for a week without having to consistently text/call somebody. The moment it feels like work, thats the moment I hit the road. Pretty selfish and a bit cowardly, but I am the man I am.” — [deleted]

I Enjoy Alone Time

“Honestly, I enjoy being single. I’ve only ever had one girlfriend and that also kind of left a sour taste in my mouth. I’m just someone who really enjoys spending time with myself.” — Inzektor-Magileine

I Keep Putting It Off

“Long Term Procrastination. I just haven’t gotten around to getting one yet if I’m going to be completely honest.” — MLein97

My Crushes Were Already Taken

“A lot of girls lie about this sort of thing, but every girl I’ve asked out within the last 5 years was either already in a relationship, or about to be in one. I’ve eventually met all their SOs.” — Alcoholic_Satan

I’m Scared To Open Up

“I don’t want to make myself vulnerable to a girl by letting her inside my heart.“ — multisofteis

I’ve Been Hurt Before

“Because I gave my heart to someone, she tore it to pieces, and I haven’t been able to convince myself that it’s worth trying again.” — arcata22

My Dating Pool Is Small

“As a gay man, my dating pool is significantly smaller. I’m also not considered very stereotypically handsome.” — ausAnstand

I Struggle To Flirt

“Because I just… can’t flirt. I can be friendly and essentially friend zone myself (I’ve had tons of female friends, but 0 actual girlfriends) so I CAN technically talk to them. I just can only do it in a non-romantic way though.” — Hahonryuu