19 Guys Share Instant Red Flags Women Should Run From
Nathan Dumlao

19 Guys Share Subtle Red Flags Women Should Run From

“If he’s an asshole to everyone but you, that doesn’t mean he thinks you’re special. It means he is an asshole but knows how to not be an asshole in order to get laid.” — SmartAlec105

“Refusing to admit that they could possibly be wrong. I have seen many men get super frustrated and aggressive over the idea that they could be possibly wrong about something. To add onto this, many of these same men when presented with the proof of them being wrong they will either deflect or make it seem like it doesn’t matter and that you were ‘making such a big deal about this.’ We are all humans and we all make mistakes. I feel for many of these men they feel stupid and less ‘manly’ if they are wrong about something. Being able to accept your mistakes and move on is a healthy trait.” — Jomanderisreal

“If he agrees with everything you say, it’s likely that he’s not being himself and that he’s telling you what he thinks you want to hear which he thinks may help him get what he wants.” — GranTorin0

“If he doesn’t put in an effort to make you happy. The fact he’s putting in the effort means he truly cares about you enough that he cares about your mental health as well. Goes both ways.” — Positive_Balance620

“If he wants to be with you, then he will be with you. Trust his actions. Not his words. Amazes me how many women let themselves get dragged along like this. Not realizing they are one of many he is leading on. You might think you’re special, but if a guy isn’t committing to you, it’s because he doesn’t want to and is likely pursuing other options.” — Duckgamerzz

“Being too nice and immediately putting you on a pedestal. You want to be two boats meeting at sea that decide to tie a rope together. The rope allows you to come together and drift apart. Immediate red flag when someone wants to ditch their boat for yours.” — USCUbuff

“Telling you that you’re being jealous, when they’re intentionally creating situations which would cause that. I know a guy in particular who was continually describing past experiences with girls and how aspects of that were better than what my friend had with him currently.” — Tetrylene

“Sexual pressure after you directly reject an advance. Healthy people with your interests in mind only need to hear no one time and are respectful of boundaries if they bring it up again in the future.” – freemason777

“Suddenly flying off the handle at a minor inconvenience. It’s one thing to stub your toe at the end of a bad day and give the table a whack. It’s another if every moment of stress or misfortune triggers rage.” — thesaga

“Guys who don’t see women as people. They come in many shapes though. The Barney Stinsons who will be charming and pick up all the girls but see them as objects. The nerdy guys who never talked to a girl and think they are a different species. That rich guy being a sugar daddy, the poor guy who thinks girls don’t know how hard it is since they can just talk flirty and get things.” — _Rorin_

“I would be cautious of a man who is protective. It seems nice on the surface to have a man so willing to stick up for you and want to protect you. But keep in mind, he could just be an angry, confrontational person especially if you notice he needs to get protective with just about everything.” — ballslongerthanmypp

“Lying. If he is able to lie about the small stuff, he most definitely won’t blink twice to lie about the bigger stuff.” — xhanos

“Inability to clean up after themselves or do common household tasks” — Wudchuck

“If he talks about his ex too much. As someone who was in love with an ex for way too long, I was not ready for a relationship with anyone else.” — swervin87

“Avoid people who are very polite and charming when they want something from those ‘above’ them, but are arrogant and demanding when they think they can take something from those ‘below’ them. People who ‘smile up’ and ‘kick down’ are the worst.” — CiderDrinker

“Only talking about themselves. And repeating the same stories for everyone to hear twice (or more), especially when they are the kind of stories that suck all the air out of the room — especially when it happens with frequent drinking binges — are also flags.” — placidplatypus85

“A man that blames everyone else for his problems, lack of job, lack of friends, money, etc. Someone that is unwilling to take personal responsibility for improving his situation in life.” — dheffe01

“If he claims all his exes were crazy or similar. Think for a second about what was the common factor in all those relationships: him.” — signalstonoise88

“Something I’ve noticed personally is that a lot of shitty men always have a demand for hugs when they first get to know you.” — Enigma-Sama3469