19 Men Describe Some Of The 'Guy Code' Unwritten Rules That They Always Follow
Connor Wilkins

19 Men Describe Some Of The ‘Guy Code’ Unwritten Rules That They Always Follow

Men should respect other men. They should be there for their friends through thick and through thin. Here are some unwritten rules of guy code that every guy should remember to follow:

Don’t Sleep With Their Crushes

“Don’t bang someone that your friends are deeply invested in, even if it’s not going to go anywhere.” — Jcorb

Wives Come First

“Bros before hoes, but not before wives. Sure it’s sucks when a buddy has to stay home for a weekend camping trip, but if his wife’s sick and they have a three month old, it’s probably best that he keeps his family’s interests above your own.” — Zephrahs

Don’t Make Fun Of Their Workouts

“As a guy that lifts weights and has brought some of his other male (and two female friends) into the fold – you never, EVER, slander another person’s weight on any lift. If your friend is 250 pounds and only benches 135, but is trying his ass off – then you never make a sound other than howling intense encouragement at them. The rule in my basement is – everything is heavy to SOMEBODY. As long as you’re giving it your full-ass, then the number is irrelevant.” — ArchMichael7

Never Touch The Music

“Never mess with the music in another person’s car. I don’t care HOW crap you think their taste is.” — DeepDoughbeast

Have Their Back In Fights

“Have your boy’s back in an altercation/fight/argument. I’m not saying 100% of the time step up for them, sometimes people do dumb shit and deserve the consequences. But if the need arises, you should have their back. Even if it just means stepping up beside them to look intimidating.” — Grundlestiltskin_

Shake Their Hand First

“When greeting someone and you’re not sure if they’re a hugger, always shake their hand first… it allows them to throw up the other arm for a hug if they’re down for it.” — DetroitHustlesHarder

Provide Refreshments When Moving

“If your friends help you move, you are expected to be packed already and… provide pizza and beer.” — jjbutts

Make Noise Before Approaching

“If their bedroom door open, be careful to sound your approach before popping in. Never know what he’s up to.” — AT1787

Take The Last Beer Or Pizza

“You can have the last beer. You can have the last slice of pizza. You can’t have both.” — The_Big_Daddy

The Buyer Makes The Toast

“The person who buys the shots, makes the toast. Too many times I’ve seen someone buy a round of shots, and someone else jumps in with a toast. If you want to make a toast, buy a round!” — Finster63

Never Peer Pressure Anyone

“If I offer someone a beer or other alcoholic beverage and they turn it down, I never push it. Sometimes I don’t want to drink and I hate being pressured. Never pressure a drink on someone.” — please_hava_seat

Stop Them From Cheating

“If your drunk bro is about to cheat on his girlfriend, you must follow through with one intervention. If he says he doesn’t care, you did your part and are free from any responsibility.” — Bartch88

Let Them Pay

“If someone offers to pay, you should ask them if they are sure. If they are, then it is rude to further reject what is supposed to be a kindness on their part.” — TMJ_Jack

Keep Space Between Urinals

“Dude if there’s like 8 open urinals DON’T TAKE THE ONE NEXT TO ME.” — Oceanicshark

Avoid The Groin

“When guys fight, we never hit the groin.” — Dstats98

Sell Items Back

“If you sell a buddy a car (or anything of value) cheaper than normal because they are a friend, that friend must offer to sell it back to you before offering it to the general public.” — NickLadoo

Become Friends With Their Girlfriend

“Treat your friend’s girl as if she’s a guy.” — Fulahno

Offer To Wingman

“I will wingman any man. I don’t even have to know you. Hell, I’ll wingman any woman too. If you are trying to make an impression on someone you think you’ll hit it off with, call me. I love love and am always willing to help make it happen.” — the_planes_walker

Don’t Tear Anyone Down

“Lightly picking on each other is a sign of endearment, but you should always be trying to build each other up. Don’t put someone else down just to make yourself look/feel better.” — Jcorb