Drew Wilson

19 Men Uncover When They Knew She Wasn’t Feeling It — Decoding Disinterest

Unfortunately, relationships don’t always work out. You might have to walk away and find someone new who actually appreciates you. Here are some examples of men realizing that their crush definitely wasn’t into them:

The Convo Was One-Sided

“Had a dinner together, and the entirety of her contributions to the conversation were repetitions of yep, that’s cool, and such. Even when I tried to ask her questions and engage her in the conversation, she just had nothing to add or to say. Was pretty clear it wasn’t sparking.” — Strawberrycocoa

She Blocked Me

“Blocked me on every social media account after I mustered up the courage to ask her if she wanted to grab a bite to eat. Self-confidence was already at an all time low and that was the nail on the coffin.” — Itsallover_

She Asked About My Single Friend

“When she asked me if I knew if my friend was interested in anybody. I was only just starting to maybe have a crush on her so it didn’t hurt, but like. Definitely wasn’t pleasant.” — Cl0udSurfer

She Wasn’t Ready For A Relationship

“She said, ‘I’m not ready to be in a relationship’ …and proceeds to get into a relationship. RIP me. I hope she’s happy though, I really do.” — [deleted]

She Hated Hugs

“When you go in for a hug and she gives you the side hug.” — NotAMedic720

She Deleted Our Texts

“When they couldn’t remember any conversation we previously had, and made the excuse that their phone’s text history resets every day. Didn’t take a rocket surgeon to figure out she deleted them herself.” — spargletarzan

She Barely Responded

“When every conversation is abruptly ended by ‘lol.’” — 3pointstonibbadore

She Was Still On Tinder

“When she ended a two year relationship over text on the second day of vacation with my family. She was studying abroad and a complete stranger from another part of the world DM’d me a screenshot of her active Tinder account. A true bro there.” — doctacola

She Used Me

“She really only talked to me when she needed something.” — maznshortie1

She Pretended To Be Busy

“Asked a girl if she wanted to grab lunch together some time. She said she was busy that day which was interesting as I never specified a day.” — docju

She Never Texted First

“Stopped texting first and realized that she never texted me for three days. It was totally one sided.” — kaivan189

She Friendzoned Me

“She gave me a thin paper wristband she had made which said ‘the wristband of friendship.’” — Naistpreora

She Hated Sex

“True story: after a little sexy time with my ex, we were both in the shower cleaning up. She let it slip that she only has sex with me for MY benefit. She only has sex with me to make me feel better. After 2 years in a relationship and it’s the first I heard this. All the intimacy I thought we had was a lie. she never enjoyed the sex, she just had it because she knew that being in a relationship required pleasing your partner.” — A_Michigander

She Wouldn’t Make Time For Me

“After hanging out a few times and talking pretty regularly for a couple of weeks, she told me that she was going to be really busy and wouldn’t be able to hang out at all. For the next month. We lived no more than 20 miles apart.” — jchrysostom

She Was Gay

“When she introduced me to her girlfriend. This happened three separate times. I am terrible at finding girls.” — Kiyohara

She Wasn’t Touchy

“Dated this girl for about a month. You know how you put your arm around someone and they just naturally lean into you? Yeah, she never did that. I don’t expect that on a first date, but after a couple of weeks of seeing each other I was expecting some kind of response to me. Oh, she told me she liked me but how she acted was completely different.” — hdorsettcase

She Literally Told Me

“She looked me in the eyes and said, in a very clear voice, ‘I am not into you.’ Much better way to handle it than the girl who just cheated on me.” — Cynical_Syndicalism

She Considered Me A Brother

“Generally when she refers to us as best mates or, worse, as the brother she wishes her brother was.” — TheProfessionalEjit

She Put In Zero Effort

“My last relationship involved me setting up all the dates and trying to make 100% of the moves. She clearly wasn’t as interested as I was so it ended.” — Adriatic88