19 Women Describe Things That Are Not Nearly As Attractive As Guys Think They Are
Christopher Campbell

19 Women Describe Things That Are Not Nearly As Attractive As Guys Think They Are

If you want to land the woman of your dreams, you need to be careful about first impressions. You don’t want to come across as mean or self-centered when you’re trying to play it cool. If you’re still searching for the one, keep in mind that the following things aren’t nearly as attractive as some men think:

Too Much Cologne

“Two sprays MAX. No more. Seriously. People should only be able to smell it when they’re up close to you–not the second you enter a room.” — excel958

Acting Aggressive

“Being forceful at the beginning of a sexual encounter. Sometimes it is a turn off if you start off too strong.” — sarahbobby

Throwing Fits

“Punching walls, throwing objects, breaking things when you’re angry. It’s a temper tantrum. It’s not sexy, and I’m going to expect that you’ll be hitting me before too long.” — BlueBird518

Changing How You Speak

“Trying to fake a deep voice. Most of us can tell when you are trying to fake it, as compared to when a guy actually has a deep voice.” — ramya92

Bragging About Your Spending

“Bragging about how much money you spend. Financial responsibility is sexy.” — thelaughingpear

Picking Fights With Other Men

“Picking fights with other guys for stupid reasons. You don’t look tough or manly to me, you look immature and dumb.” — Is_Melania_OK

Boasting About Yourself

“Trying too hard to be different from other guys and boasting about how much of a mature, intelligent man you are in comparison to all those brainless stupid chads!” — toomanydaddies

Acting Overly Macho

“That overly macho attitude. Be confident, but don’t be an ass.” — ladymicbeth

Criticizing Women

“Being critical of women for things they have little to no control over (boob size, height, etc.) or flipping back and forth between ‘take a girl swimming on the first date’ and calling girls ugly because they’re not wearing makeup.” — isaacthemedium

Revving Your Engine

“Revving your car or motorcycle for attention. It’s not hot, it’s obnoxious.” — fairydustandunicorns

Acting Overly Competitive

“Being competitive. If you find a lady nerd out in the wild and you find a title/game you both enjoy do not start competing or questioning her authenticity on it, at least until you know for sure that she is also a competitive person. She will see it as gatekeeping and will nope the fuck out of there. Talk about things you both enjoy about it, what kind of games you would like to see. Find the common ground until you know more, don’t scoff at her opinions even if you disagree. ‘I disagree, though I can see why you would feel that way.’ You don’t have to agree with her, just respect her opinion.” — FemHawkeSlay

Flaunting Your Money

“Flaunting your money. Even as an 18-year-old, I always found it off-putting. You have money? Great. You don’t have to remind me every five minutes.” — [deleted]

Sending R-Rated Pics

“Dick pics. Especially unsolicited ones. No one thinks your dangly bits are that attractive.” — ryanstevens00

Giving Too Many Compliments

“Compliments. Don’t get me wrong, a few well placed compliments can make a girl feel good! It can get excessive though when a guy tries to compliment a girl every other sentence. I️ often try to remind myself that they could be nervous so I’ll say something about it but I’ve been in situations where too many compliments becomes patronizing.” — HollDollHutt

Bragging About Fights

“Tell me stories about evading law enforcement or run ins with gangs and being tough and shit. No, you just look like you have really bad judgement and decision making skills.” — velvet_meow

Lying About Yourself

“Lying about yourself to impress me. It sounds obvious like that, but you don’t know how many guys I talked to who lied to me about their job and sexual life and claimed it was to impress me when I discovered it.” — brownnn_

Baby Talking

“Talking like a baby. More men have tried it than I care to think about.” — verysanecatlady

Being A Jerk

“Being a jerk. So many guys talk about how ‘girls love assholes’ and I dunno, I haven’t met a single woman who has said, ‘Man, I just really love the ones who are always mean and abusive to me.'” — romanticheart

Being Mean To Waiters

“Being rude to wait staff or anyone who is helping you…or anyone.” — kooyma