Olga Shenderova

2 Zodiac Birth Months That Are The Most Ruthless (Watch Out)

December Sagittarius.

Out of all the Zodiac signs and birth months, a December Sagittarius is quite possibly the most cutthroat, savage person you will ever encounter, should you dare to try them. Both December and November Sagittarius signs are ruled by fortunate Jupiter and can appear as optimistic, happy-go-lucky, and perpetually cheerful. However, the December Sagittarius, who is born in what is known in astrology as the “second decan” (or approximately twenty days into the start date of your sign) can be influenced moreso by the battle-ready planet of Mars, driving bold action and impulsivity. This gives them a lot more aggressive confidence than the November Sagittarius and they can be absolutely ruthless when encountering those who try to demean them. If you don’t want to poke the bear, don’t mess with a December Sagittarius. We cannot guarantee you’ll be left in one piece. Attempt to bully them, and they will gather you more quickly than the speed of light with their comebacks – and they will not be limited in how they come to collect. 

November Scorpio

The November Scorpios are perhaps the most cunning of the Scorpio decans, influenced moreso by Neptune and the moon. We advise you to never mess with any Scorpio placement, as their stinger leaves quite the brutal impact, but we’d emphasize to watch out for and never try to irritate or deliberately manipulate November Scorpios, who have a keen and perceptive intuition, as well as a secretive nature. Mind games will not work on them and you won’t see them coming when they strike back. November Scorpios have an exquisite determination to succeed and tend to be a lot moodier than October Scorpios who are dreamier, reliable, and more people-oriented. If they are provoked continuously, the November Scorpio will eventually snap – but will appear completely calm when they do, which is when they are in their most calculating, dangerous state. Run. Just kidding, Scorpio – we love you and your dark mysterious charm. (Please don’t hurt us.)