2 Zodiacs Breaking Rules To Thrive On The Sagittarius New Moon (12/1)
On the first of December, we welcome a new month with a new moon. How aligned! This will be a powerful time to set intentions around freedom, morals, travel, and leaving our comfort zone. Being ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius energy offers us a lucky, swift opportunity to cheat fate and impose our free will upon the outcome of events.
Read on to discover if your star sign is impacted closely by this Sagittarius new moon. Check for your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs.
The Sagittarius new moon allows Gemini to implement robust relationship growth. With their intentions narrowing in on interpersonal desires, love and care flourish. Connections thrive with the extra attention this Air sign is pouring in. Their loved ones gather around to support their wild energy. With the right people in their circle, the impossible feels possible.
Built on mutual freedom and similar morals, Gemini’s romantic, platonic, and close relationships find intellectual stimulation. It becomes more natural than ever to relate to one another. While this star sign has the stereotype of being flaky or uncommitted, it just takes the right person to keep them entertained and attentive in the long run. There’s lighthearted fun in store for Gemini as they find the ideal company to keep.
Pisces feels empowered to chase their purpose thanks to this new Sagittarius moon. Their destiny is calling. Thinking with the end in mind, this Water sign follows their innate instincts when making career decisions. There’s no room for self-doubt to fester as they run towards their passion. Calling the shots, they aren’t willing to take the back seat to their fate any longer.
Pisces is beloved for its wise, old soul. Others will eagerly gather around to learn from their philosophical, compassionate lens, entrusting them to tend to essential tasks with maturity and tender care. Authority figures lend praise. Colleagues applaud hard work. Newfound recognition inspires them to keep going, sustaining motivating developments and results.