2 Zodiacs Who Have The Lucky Midas Touch (And Are Magnets for Abundance)
In Greek mythology, Midas was “gifted” with the ability to turn everything he touched into gold. While this was not always the most practical gift, metaphorically speaking it can be a powerful one when we have the ability to figuratively transform anything into gold. When we are a magnet for abundance, we draw everything good to us without even trying. When we can naturally alchemize adversity into success, or use obstacles as stepping stones to victory, we have a magical power that sustains us through both joy and pain, allowing us to reap abundance regardless of what occurs. Here are 2 zodiacs with the magical “Midas touch” who turn everything into gold and are magnets for personal and professional prosperity and wealth.
Ruled by the vibrant sun, Leo is a sign of royalty, luxury, expansion, and power. It’s no surprise that this sign is gifted with the ability to transform the mundane into the miraculous, and even misfortune into marvel. Leo approaches everything with bold devotion, pursuing their goals without inhibition, shame or fear – this lack of resistance to achieving the impossible is what makes them master manifesters. Since they don’t take life as seriously, it is their ability to let go of the outcome that paradoxically gives them everything they desire with ease. With their entertaining charm and ability to spread cheer wherever they go, people flock to the Leo as this sign takes the spotlight and center stage. They are magnets for many forms of abundance, joy, and positive attention.
Ruled by lucky Jupiter, Sagittarius is blessed with infinite fortuna. Perhaps that is where they get their optimism from, since everything always seems to work out in their favor regardless of the situation. Resilient and rebellious, Sagittarius is willing to challenge the status quo if it means staying true to their authentic self – and ironically, it is this bravery that make them magnets for blessings. Sagittarius can make gold out of even the most adverse circumstances, literally manifesting “gold” in the form of financial wealth and engaging in powerful alchemy when they transform crises into personal growth and wisdom. It seems every project, every relationship, and every endeavor they take on always bears fruit with their magical touch.