20 Underrated Traits That Men Find Off-The-Charts Attractive

20 Underrated Traits That Men Find Off-The-Charts Attractive

You probably don’t realize how many people find you beautiful. To prove it, here are some traits that men find incredibly attractive:

“A strong, square jawline on a woman. Like Olivia Wilde for example.” — _Enclose_

“I will never understand how at one point, not too long ago, freckles were seen as ugly and people were bullied for it. Freckles are so attractive. On anybody!” — belac4862

“Nose studs, nose rings on the side of the nose or t-bar nipple rings.” — Realistic_Truck

“I find it attractive when a woman has a deep monotone voice.” — Sabes1607

“I don’t know about anyone else, but that little chubby bump at a girl’s lower belly when she wears a dress. I don’t think it’s that common on girls but it’s something so attractive to me.” — dudethtsick

“When girls put sunglasses on their head and it holds their hair back a little bit. Instant death for me.” — HesWearingAWire

“Girls that wear a long ponytail through the back of a baseball cap.” — PrkChpSndwch

“Ladies with glasses. Don’t know why, but I fucking love it.” — Ambitious-Search-843

“A resting bitch face. Especially when it transitions into a smile. Just makes me melt.” — Opppah

“Girls tighting their hair up, revealing the back of their neck.” — slendielina

“Girls with chin dimples, and girls working in landscaping…” — methratt

“Muscular calves on a woman.” — AnusEinstein

“Long toes. Pretty rare, but they turn me on so hard I can’t stop staring.” — Arcontes

“This lady I worked with kept in really great shape, and she had a great neckline. I feel really weird about it but the way it sloped to her shoulders was amazing…” — Sly_Hyde

“I like crooked/unique teeth… including a nice defined canine tooth… this does not equal badly looked after teeth.. ‘Turkey teeth’ – them white teeth that famous people and chavs get where all their teeth are the same color, shaved down to the same length and shape creep me out.” — bleak_gallery

“Hands, sometimes. It isn’t often, but particularly in arts, like 3D models or drawings, there have been a few times where I looked at the woman’s hands and thought, ‘holy shit… those are some fine hands.'” — imweird_sowhat

“I like women with distinctly hooked noses, aka ‘Roman’ noses. Like a lot.” — TheSinfulBlacksheep

“A girl being tough and fiery but also feminine. Girl I know likes art and cooking and all that stuff, but she also played football and is not afraid to fight someone. That is amazing to me. And it makes for a really fun, open and supportive personality. Honestly probably the coolest person I know” — Complete-Hat-5438

“Tatted up chicks.” — onebradmutha

“Women dressed like they don’t plan to go out for the rest of the day. I’m talking, messy bun hair, large/small old horribly stained T-shirt, most comfortable pants available, etc… The fact that someone feels comfortable enough with me to just not care about how they dress in front of me makes me feel like we actually have some kind of connection.” — TheThief9812

“Women’s legs. You’re all beautiful by the way.” — dajohnson2000