The Wicker Man (2006)

21 Fans Share Their Guilty Pleasure Horror Movies…What’s Yours?

There’s plenty of good horror out there, but sometimes you just want to watch something so bad it’s good. These are the movies that you have to admit have terrible plots, sub-par graphics, and the worst acting imaginable. And still, you love them. Recently, people shared what their favorite guilty pleasure horror movies are. Is your favorite on the list?

Ghosts of Mars

Ghosts of Mars

Mine would be John Carpenter’s Ghosts of Mars. It is a crap movie with bad editing, bad acting, really poor practical effects, and awful dialogue. However, I have watched it a ridiculous number of times and for some unknown reason just keep coming back to it!


House on Haunted Hill (1999)

House on Haunted Hill

I enjoy Chris Kattan in it, along with Geoffrey Rush, Famke Janssen, Taye Diggs and a cameo by Jeffrey Combs… I mean what’s not to like?


Thirteen Ghosts

Thirteen Ghosts

A few scares and JR Bourne gets sliced in half. Who could want more?


The Wicker Man (2006)

The Wicker Man

I have watched Nick Cage’s Wicker Man more times than movies I actually like. It’s like it was written by an alien who has no idea how movies are made or how human emotions work. I fucking LOVE IT.


House of Wax (2005)

House of Wax

I LOVE House of Wax but I’m trash and love camp so I am not ashamed.


Graveyard Shift

Graveyard Shift

I f*cking love this movie so much! Watched it all the time as a kid and I still love all of its schlock, practical effects, and Brad Dourif is always a winner.


Freddy Vs. Jason

Freddy vs. Jason

Freddy vs. Jason has an absolutely nonsense story and rubbish acting but still somehow captures what makes those two characters so much fun.


Maximum Overdrive

Maximum Overdrive

Maximum Overdrive. I LOVE that movie. I can’t imagine why Stephen King and everyone else knocks it.


Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2

Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2

Like, I’m not sure what exactly it is about this movie, but I just adore it. I’m big on atmospheric horror (Silent Hill, the first Blair Witch, Honeymoon (2014), etc.), and a plethora of Asian horror films for that same reason. Book of Shadows always held a similar atmospheric vibe to me. The soundtrack is a complete banger, too. It’s a treasure, for sure.


Ghost Ship

Ghost Ship

One of the first horror movies I saw as a kid, the opening scene scarred me… 😂 I rewatched it recently, it’s so dumb but still incredibly entertaining.


Halloween 4

Halloween 4

I feel like Halloween 4 isn’t widely loved or respected, but it’s one of my top 2-3 favorite horror movies. I found out it was filmed where I’m currently living (SLC Utah) and toured all the spots.


The Saw Franchise


Despite the fact I don’t like them at all, I too have seen and will continue to see each and every film.


Jaws 3

Jaws 3

I know many dislike the film but to me it has always been one of my favorites and a guilty pleasure. Even if the effects look super dated and the premise is a little silly – I still love the ending when the shark crashes through the window.


Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation

Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation. I don’t think I can even explain why. It just works for me.


The Haunting (1999)

The Haunting

The Haunting. This silly movie means so much to me. It scared me when I was little and is pure nostalgia for me now. It played at least a small part in making me love horror movies.


Darkness Falls

Darkness Falls

Just supremely silly and rides on its atmosphere. Keeps making up new rules for otherwise very simple lore. I was 11 and saw it at the dollar theater and had a blast.


The Gravedancers

The Gravedancers

Stupid Cheesy, low budget, and the ending is a giant ghost head chasing a jeep through a house.

A+ would nominate for an Award


Queen of the Damned

Queen of the Damned

Queen of the Damned – Half of the movie is kind of great but the other half is downright garbage. It’s such a strange movie with baffling choices at times but I can’t look away.


Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Campy and spectacular.


Halloween 6

Halloween 6

I like this one too! Watched it all the time as a kid and I know it’s so poorly done, but damn if I don’t come back to it regularly. Plus, watching Paul Rudd play an android essentially is great lol


Stay Alive

Stay Alive

Killer video game movie. Not sure what I like so much about it. Video game nostalgia? Bad video game cgi? It’s bad but well made.
