22 Pickup Lines That Are Dumb Enough To Work
Christopher Campbell

22 Pickup Lines That Are Dumb Enough To Work

If you notice someone attractive, make the first move! Walk up to them and say hello. Don’t let your fear hold you back from meeting someone new. If you’re not sure how to initiate the conversation, here are some pickup lines that are dumb enough to work:

“You be McDonald’s and I’ll be Nike because I’ll be doing it and you’ll be loving it.” — captaincumsock69

“Call me Nemo because I’m not afraid to touch the butt.” — EmilyGram12

“Excuse me, you dropped something. Your standards. Hi what’s your name?” — Crawler_00

“We have all these MALES stuck in Alpha and Beta… Why not choose me? The final product?” — CesarTheSanchez

“You don’t have a pen, you don’t have paper, but you still manage to draw me in.” — OpportunityKey2341

“I swear I had a good pick up line and you looked at me and I just lost it, can I buy you a drink while I try to remember it?” — o_aces·

“I don’t have a good pickup line but that’s because I’m not tryna pick you up I’m tryna pin you down.” — anny_bae

“Are you trash? Because I wanna take you out!” — CrownedBird·

“I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.” — Chrisf4th

“Are you my little toe because I know I’m gonna bang you on every piece of furniture and in every door frame in the house?” — Shopmunkey_1776

“Do you like water? I’m like 75% water so you’ll probably like me…” — Fuckler

“I usually go for 7s, but I’ll settle for a 10.” — LodgedSpade

“Hey girl are you a beaver? Cuz daaaaam.” — ohnomytoepoeia

“I’m James. Let’s Bond.” — jeff_the_nurse

“’Hey you dropped this.’ Present a paper with a line on it. ‘Oh never mind, this is just my pick-up line.’” — RallyTowel

“I know we’ve just met, but I feel our friendship is strong enough to survive a sexual encounter.” — jaegreatness

“Statistically, as quickly as I disappoint women, I’m the LEAST waste of your time out of any guy here.” — ILuvMomBods

“You look like you need a stud in your life. I’ve got the std, all I need is u.” — ObiWan-KenobiNil

“I wish I was your derivative so I could lie tangent to your curves ” — Icehawk101

“Haaaaave you met Ted?” — allo_mate

“I have expendable income.” — manrealityisabitch

“I don’t know any pick up lines, so can I pick you?” — OP_yt_gamer·