22 Red Flags That He’s Too Immature To Be Your Boyfriend
“Being unable to deal with your partner showing distress. If you see your partner cry and you look at them like they’re a child having a tantrum then just don’t date, please.” — windwaker3656
“Not being able to buy condoms because you’re too scared/embarrassed. If they aren’t mature enough to buy contraception they’re not mature enough to rub their private areas together.” — SwimnGinger-
“Not knowing how to communicate their feelings. This is something people seem to struggle with.” — AlligatorFood
“When someone can’t compromise such as they are all take and no give. To me this shows a lack of responsibility and in turn maturity in the person’s character that will lead to a mostly toxic relationship.” — [deleted]
“Doing the whole, ‘I’m a horrible boyfriend’ bit to get pity and guilt. Some people may do it unintentionally or because they really feel that way but if they constantly do it despite reassurance, yeah no. That’s the start of something toxic.” — DeathofaGalaxy
“Acting like a teenager about periods. Unless of course they are a teenager. Then they will hopefully learn.” — electricgotswitched
“Jealousy of friends that are not a threat to your relationship. (Ex: a man being jealous of their partner’s friends of the opposite sex even if they’re in a relationship of their own or not interested in the friend romantically.)” — IceNFire
“Making the other person responsible for yourself, whether it’s about your mental or physical health, feeding habits, cleanliness, or anything else” — mindeatingjellyfish
“When they’re full of themselves. ‘I don’t understand why people wouldn’t date ME I mean I have such-and-such!’” — verifiedbeef
“My problems are way worse than your problems. Therefore your problems don’t matter as much.” — ZSkelP182
“Not being able to talk honestly about sex and birth/disease control.” — mstibbs13
“Demanding to go through their SO’s phone, or worse, snooping through it when they’re not looking.” – [deleted]
“Expecting you to cater to their every whim and put no effort in themselves. If they cannot compromise and work together then they are too immature for a relationship.” — pajamakitten
“Never taking ownership of anything, and placing blame on everyone else.” — [deleted]
“If they constantly talk about their ex despite claiming that they’re over that relationship.” — TheRedditGirl15
“Threatening to break-up everytime there is an argument/disagreement.” — YeetThisWheat20
“Getting mad at you for not texting them for two hours. People don’t realize that constant communication is not crucial to human survival and wasn’t possible for everyone until like 15 years ago.” — qwerty6905
“Bad mouthing you to their friends during a fight instead of working through the problem with you.” — scistudies
“Being grossed out by normal bodily functions.” — [deleted]
“Pressuring you to get into relationship without getting to know each other first. Usually followed by anger if you don’t go along.” — scorchorin
“Honestly, ghosting someone is really immature. If you don’t want to talk to someone anymore, be upfront and tell them, not in a rude way, but just respect yours and their time.” — Mysticism1
“When their entire self worth and happiness is based on whether or not they are in a relationship.” — powderedtoastsupreme