25 Uncomfortable Truths About Love And Dating You Need To Hear Right Now
Listen, I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news, the harbinger of harsh truths, but here I am being just that. There might be something in your dating life that you’re ignoring. Do yourself a favor and make this right, even if it’s going to suck a little.
- If they liked you, you’d know it.
- If they wanted to date you, they would.
- If it doesn’t feel right, it isn’t.
- Don’t wait around for your crush to fall for you. Make it happen or move on.
- Don’t let your hope keep you from seeing the truth for what it is.
- You have to actually put in some effort to find someone worth dating.
- If you’re always seeing the same people on the dating apps, you’re the “same people” to them as well.
- Don’t keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
- Being alone is better than being in a bad relationship.
- Sometimes it takes getting out of your comfort zone to find someone special.
- If your friends don’t like them, that’s a red flag.
- If you can never get comfortable with your partner, you’re not a good fit.
- The right person will like you for you–not for who they think you should become.
- “Love is blind” is a real thing. You might not be seeing the truth of your relationship because you’re clouded by love.
- If you’re always the one initiating everything, they’re just with you because it’s convenient.
- Just because you like or love them, doesn’t mean you’re right for each other.
- Don’t ignore your intuition–you might be on to something.
- Don’t hold on to how great it was in the beginning if it’s not good now.
- Even the busiest people make time for the ones they care about.
- No one is terrible all the time. Don’t excuse bad behavior because they’re sweet sometimes.
- If you catch yourself making excuses for them, think long and hard about whether they deserve that kind of consideration.
- If you’re unhappy with where your relationship is right now, it’s unlikely to improve.
- Stay away from people who trample all your boundaries.
- Don’t wait around for someone to start treating you right.
- As soon as you wonder if you should break up, the answer is yes.