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3 People-Pleasing Zodiacs Who Need To Stand Up For Themselves

There are some zodiacs who are strong, bold, and fierce. Those are the ones who stand up for themselves and never let anyone talk down to them or walk all over them. This list is not for those zodiacs.

This list is for the star signs that really need to grow a backbone and stop letting people walk all over them. These signs are people-pleasers, too nice, and don’t know how to advocate for themselves. If they do know how to advocate for themselves, it doesn’t come easy and needs a lot of practice. Either way, developing a bit of a spine and speaking up for yourself can take you places.

So, if you’re one of these three signs, it might be time to figure out how to shed your jellyfish exterior and fall into something a little more vertebrae-like.


Pisces will always wear their heart on their sleeves. They are compassionate, empathetic, and always willing to help someone out. However, they tend to forgive and forget a little too easily. A Pisces could’ve been wronged terribly by someone close to them, but because they feel for that person so deeply, they will accept a thin apology for the sake of not losing someone. No matter how much you care for someone, Pisces, if they show you they don’t care you have to believe them. It’s time to stiffen up that spine and stop letting people pull the wool over your eyes.


Cancers are another sign that is incredibly emotional and so wildly nurturing to their friends and family. They also care very deeply about what others think of them. A Cancer always wants to be viewed as helpful, sweet, kind, and caring. Unfortunately for them, they will avoid any conflict if they feel it’ll make someone think they are anything less than what I just described them as. This lack of conflict sets them up for failure when someone says something hurtful or insensitive to them. You have to prioritize your mental health too, Cancer.  


Flirty and thriving Libras care a lot about what others think, and that can lead to a flimsy backbone. A Libra wants to be showered with compliments and praise because that is what they do for their loved ones. When they are met with criticism or complaint, they may act as if they take it in stride, but deep down they will never emotionally recover from it. Libras want to be someone for everyone, and that’s just not a healthy way to live. It’s time to grow your backbone Libra and stop caring about what others may or may not think of you.