3 Pieces Of Advice Every Zodiac Needs To Hear For A Good Year (2025 Tarot Reading)
Your Cards: Ace of Pentacles, The Moon, & Queen of Pentacles
1. You’re not starting over. All that time spent before wasn’t for granted. Everything before has been preparing you for now. Success is non-linear. That five-year plan seldom goes according to plan. Learn how to accept things for what they are or else you’ll always feel like you’re not enough.
2. Start learning how to take other people’s advice. That doesn’t mean letting other people dictate every decision that you make in life, but believe it or not, there do exist people who know what they’re talking about more than you.
3. Keep your plans and your personal matters to yourself. Not everybody needs to know everything that is going on in your life at all times.
Your Cards: King of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles, Five of Swords
1. Be careful of who you trust.
2. Be careful of who you keep close to you.
3. Be careful of who you surround yourself with. All of this to say that you could be doing everything right, but if you keep the wrong people close to you, it could ruin everything you have worked for. Keep your friends close and your enemies far the fuck away.
Your Cards: Four of Pentacles, Five of Pentacles, & Ace of Swords
1. Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see. Don’t dive into conclusions and wait until you have the full story before drawing any conclusions. This will save you from getting caught up in petty drama.
2. Sometimes it’s true what they say. Ignorance is bliss and the less you know the better. And my favorite, don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answer to. Not always, but in the case of this year ahead for you, this might help save you a lot of unnecessary heartache and anxiety.
3. Keep your cards close to your chest.
Your Card: Knight of Wands, The Hanged Man, & Two of Pentacles
1. Stop wasting time.
2. Deep clean/re-organize your home as soon as the New Year begins. Trust me, you’ll thank me later. Simply refreshing your space does wonders for clearing out any internal chaos you’re struggling with.
3. Do a little bit every day. If you want to learn an instrument, make a promise to practice AT LEAST 10 minutes a day. That’s not a lot, right? Everyone has at least ten minutes a day that they can set aside for something, it’s just a matter of what that person prioritizes more. Ten minutes might seem like nothing and there’s no way you’ll learn doing just that. The issue is that most people start strong with two hours a day, get burned out because they don’t have two hours to spare a day, and then just never practice again until maybe a couple months later after they’ve already forgotten what they initially learned. My point is, ten minutes a day, is better than two hours every three months. This principle can be applied to almost anything.
Your Card: Six of Pentacles, Ten of Swords, & The Fool.
1. You’re not a victim. Stop playing the victim. Otherwise, you’ll always be a victim of circumstance and never a master of your own fate.
2. If you want something done, then YOU have to do it yourself.
3. Enjoy now for what it is. Enjoy the journey ahead, there is still much you have to overcome before you get to where you’re trying to go. Don’t let these moments on your way pass you by or you’ll always regret not cherishing these moments. Because you’ll realize that you didn’t have to wait for happiness to begin once you achieved your dreams. Happiness exists now.
Your Cards: Death, Four of Swords, & Nine of Swords
1. The bad news is that this year will probably be the hardest and most emotionally challenging year you’ve ever had. But the good news is that even though it’s gonna suck a lot, you’re gonna get through it. Not only are you going to get through it, but believe it or not, once the storm has passed, you’ll be glad that all the bad moments happened because it helped you become the best version of yourself.
2. Say sorry.
3. Don’t do the right thing just because other people are watching.
Your Cards: The Universe, Queen of Cups, & Seven of Cups
1. Practice mindfulness. Observe how you interact with others. Observe the words you choose or the emotions that arise during certain conversations. You don’t have to criticize yourself, you don’t even have to change anything, just observe yourself and how you go about life. You’ll learn a lot and start to identify the patterns you continuously repeat.
2. Play devil’s advocate and question yourself more often.
3. Count your blessings. Literally do it every day. No matter how small or insignificant the blessing may be. If you have a working toilet, you’re already doing a lot better than a vast portion of the world. Also congrats on owning a working toilet.
Your Card: Nine of Cups, King of Swords, & Two of Swords
1. Give less of a fuck.
2. You choose the things that matter. Things only matter as much as you want it to matter. A lot of people argue that this is easier said than done or that this is unrealistic. And to those people, you can be wrong. I won’t lose any sleep over it.
3. Stop being friendly with people you secretly don’t like or don’t trust. Why be cordial with someone who doesn’t deserve that when you can simply stop wasting your energy on them?
Your Cards: Two of Caups, Six of Pentacles, & Eight of Pentacles
1. Say “I love you” with your actions and not your words.
2. Get a new hobby. Any hobby. And get really good at that hobby.
3. Bet on yourself more, you’re odds are looking really good this year.
Your Card: The Magician, The Devil, & Ten of Pentacles
1. Life is a mind game. Master your mind and you’ll master your external world.
2. Lock the fuck in. In the near future, you will thank you later.
3. Success is the best form of revenge. Keep your hands clean while the trash takes itself out. If you want to be petty, be the kind of petty where you focus on yourself and not engage in drama so you can sit on your high horse and brag about the fact that you’re not insufferable.
Your Card: Nine of Wands, The Chariot, Three of Swords
1. Never go backward. Keep moving forwards no matter what. No matter how uncertain the path ahead seems.
2. If you’re not occasionally crying in the bathroom every once in a while, then you’re not actually living.
3. Don’t take them back. They weren’t the love of your life. Trust me, eventually, you’ll be JOYOUS it didn’t work out.
Your Card: Six of Swords, Six of Wands, & Ten of Wands
1. Don’t underestimate the people around you.
2. Don’t underestimate yourself but be careful not to overestimate yourself as well.
3. Never feel bad for what you’ve achieved for yourself. You’re not being a brag or a show-off, god forbid you’re excited about something you’ve worked really hard towards accomplishing.