
3 Self-Critical Zodiac Signs Who Need To Go Easier On Themselves


Virgo is a notorious perfectionist. They’re detail-oriented in everything that they do. Yes, they have high expectations of other people, but they’re harder on themselves. This sign sometimes holds themselves to unrealistic standards, drawing big self-scrutiny on themselves. Virgo can do an above-and-beyond excellent job, but it still wouldn’t be enough. They’ll overanalyze where they could have done better, chastising themselves. Virgo can be prone to causing themselves distress by thinking about how they could have made a different decision or executed a different action. Their self-criticism is prone to causing them stress and anxiety. Virgo needs to let go of the idea of being perfect and realize that they’re as close as it gets to it and be proud of that fact. This zodiac sign owes themselves some serious tenderness. 


Scorpio comes off as confident, cool, and collected—they are anything but. This zodiac sign struggles with a deep insecurity of never feeling good enough. Scorp has a profound introspective nature and is often getting lost in their rich inner landscape. They spend significant time delving into their past, thoughts, emotions, and the what-could-have-beens, as well analyzing all the reasons for their self-imposed inadequacy. Part of this stems from past wounds Scorpio still needs to work on healing. Often in their lives they were accused of being “too much” or “too intense” or “too dark” or “too sensitive.” Scorpio has opened up to the wrong people and lived to regret it. They’re so afraid of being misunderstood that they end up wallowing in self-doubt and self-criticism. Scorpio should embrace their profound depth, vulnerabilities, and shadow self and realize that only the ones who take them as they are are worthy of their love and respect. 


Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of hard work, responsibility, determination, structure, and long-term goals. Cap has an exact and clear picture of what they want out of life and they work tirelessly to realize their vision. They won’t stop at anything to get the life of their dreams. The negative side to this is that sometimes how hard Capricorn pushes themselves can border on self-abuse. Their self-imposed pressure can often lead to burn-out, and in turn cause bouts of sadness. Anytime they’re not working, Capricorn criticizes themselves and feels guilty about it. Like Virgo, they strive for perfection. Capricorn would benefit from reminding themselves that rest is productive and that they can’t give it their all if they’re not taking care of themselves first. This doesn’t just mean rest and self-care, but allowing themselves to go out there and actually experience life. If they’re not too careful in their vicious pursuit of the future, they will look up one day to notice that their life has passed them by.