MĆ¢ide Arslan

3 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Grow Bored In A Relationship

All the best romances in life require the active participation of each individual involved in the relationship. In most instances, these people express an obvious desire to be together, going the extra mile to make sure their relationship survives into the indefinite future. In some cases, though, itā€™s natural to feel oneā€™s romantic feelings start to cool off, leading them to reevaluate their compatibility with their respective significant other. Expressing a desire to be alone and/or holding their partner at an emotional armā€™s length away, these signs inevitably begin to lose interest in maintaining their prospective relationships, growing bored whenever theyā€™re part of a couple for too long.


Your eyes are always looking ahead to the next adventure, Aries, leaving you little time or opportunity to see whatā€™s right in front of you in the present. Dwelling within the confines of your own freewheeling imagination, you tend to display obvious signs of impatience whenever something holds your attention for longer stretches of time. While the initial months of your relationship might prove eventful, it isnā€™t long before youā€™re wondering about what other romantic opportunities are out there waiting for you.


You value your independence almost to a fault, Leo, refusing to let yourself get tied down for very long. As someone who always wants to keep their options open, youā€™re fine with the initial few weeks of a heated romance, losing yourself in the passion that comes from a relationshipā€™s sensual honeymoon phase. Once that period is over, though, you canā€™t help growing cold feet whenever your partner expresses a desire to settle down into something more serious. Yes, your relationships are great while they last, but you enjoy the freedom that comes from casual dating over concrete connections, allowing you to embark on your next romantic adventure without getting too emotionally invested.


You donā€™t necessarily grow bored in a relationship, Sagittarius, but you do feel an inherent awareness whenever youā€™ve outgrown a romantic entanglement. As someone very in tune with their individual feelings, your emotional understanding affords you a deeper insight into your ongoing relationships ā€“ including when you feel your feelings for one another start to slip away. Youā€™re very much aware that time changes all facets of life, including relationships, and that the people you both were at the start of the relationship arenā€™t necessarily the same people locked in a romance today. Because of this, youā€™re more comfortable letting go of that special someone on amicable terms, freeing you both to pursue new romances rather than holding onto something thatā€™s sadly run its course.