3 Zodiac Signs That Are Beer People
There are wine people and then there are beer people. The wine people have more “class,” at least in the eyes of the ones holding those fancy glasses. But beer and pretzel people? They’re casual, they’re fun, and they’re here to have a good time. So which one are you? Read on to see if you’re on the list of zodiac signs most likely to be beer and pretzel people.
You just want to sit back and relax with your favorite beer. You probably even have a few favorites, whether they’re cheap staples or fancier IPAs. You’re the one bringing a 12-pack to share when the invitation says “BYOB.” Could you down a glass of wine if you wanted to? Sure. But you like what you like and prefer to stick to the comfortable classics. Add in a bowl of pretzels and you have a great night ahead of you right there.
Beer is easy. It’s comfortable. It’s what you know. Honestly, cocktail menus are just more stress than they’re worth. With all those ingredients, you can never be so sure that you’ll like it. And then what? Complain? That’s not your style. You’d rather go with the tried-and-true: An ice cold beer and a handful of salty snacks. That way you can free your mind up for other things, like making eyes at your crush from across the party.
It’s not that you’ll only drink beer. When you have parties, you stock your fridge with all sorts of beverages, including hard ciders and White Claws. You’ll drink whatever’s around, but there’s no denying you have a preference. The casual Capricorn tends to reach for a beer, especially when there’s pretzels, a barbecue, or a game to watch. There’s something freeing about acting like one of the bros, and an ice cold beer is a quick way to get into the spirit.