3 Zodiac Signs That Will Experience A Life Changing Event During The Pink Full Moon On April 23, 2024
The moon will be “pretty in pink” on Tuesday, thanks to the Pink Full Moon. The pink moon will be square with Pluto which may lead to intense emotions. Pluto’s connection with Neptune will further intensify emotions on this day, making it a rollercoaster of a day for all but specifically will impact these 3 zodiac signs:
You will be experiencing a major turning point when it comes to your job or career during this time, Gemini. Whether you are deciding to quit and move on or being forced to, it’ll be for the better. Do not go into panic mode as the next opportunity for you is closer than you think, just make sure you are ready for it. Additionally, the moon could also impact your physical health, so diet and exercise will be your best friend during this time.
As the full moon falls in your zodiac sign, Scorpio, this will pave the way to a new journey for you. You are set to experience a breakthrough during this celestial event, which will prepare you for the next chapter in your life. During this time you will notice that parts of the life you have now will start to feel like the past. Learn to let go of them and trust that what is yet to come will be even better than what you have now. Fate will be speaking to you at this time, so make sure you have a clear idea of what you wish to pursue and a vision of how you want your life to be.
With the full moon energizing the social sector of your life, you will notice a shift in your friendship circle. Whether it’s attending a networking event or a social gathering, you will meet someone new who will help elevate your professional and personal life. With this new person entering your life, you may also have a friend exit your life at the same time. Do not mourn this as the new person will bring with them new opportunities and a new level of happiness.