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3 Zodiac Signs Who Love Thrift Shopping

Alexa, play “Thrift Shop” by Macklemore. Here are three zodiac signs who love thrift shopping.

1. Virgo

This practical earth sign doesn’t see the need to spend all of their hard-earned money on fancy brand name or new clothing when they know there are plenty of beautiful and quality pieces they can find at thrift stores. Sure, it can take more time to sort through the racks, but Virgo knows it’s totally worth it.

2. Aquarius

Aquarius is known for being unique and this includes their style. This air sign has a deeply original vibe when it comes to their clothing choices and they are able to achieve their unusual looks by thrifting. But Aquarius isn’t just interested in buying secondhand because they want to be different. Aquarius also knows shopping secondhand is better for the planet!

3. Pisces

Pisces loves, loves, loves to thrift. They find great joy in giving a new life to old pieces, finding value in clothes others decided they no longer wanted. Thrifting is truly an art form for this artistic water sign. Pisces loves putting together outfits of unusual pieces they find at their local thrift stores.