Arina Krasnikova

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Find God in 2025

Saturn in Pisces, historically, is associated with religious upheaval.

It happened during the thirteenth century, when Thomas Aquinas was writing now-famous commentaries on Christian doctrine and apocalyptic prophets in Italy were waving their white flags in preparation for the end times.

It happened during the Black Death, when plagues and famines destroyed much of the Islamic population.

It happened in the 1600s, when Puritans instigated the English Civil War and Irish Catholics began clamoring for the right to self-government.

It happened on the shores of the northeastern United States, when the newly settled Puritans began holding the very first revivals and birthed the now-massive American evangelical movement.

And in more recent history, there was the rise of the Nazis in the 1930s, the founding of the Church of Satan in the 1960s, and the ordainment of female priests in the Church of England in the 1990s.

Now that we are in the thick of yet another Saturn in Pisces era, it comes as no surprise that religion is on people’s minds again. Deconstruction, reconstruction, and “disentangling” faith has never been more popular, much to the traditionalists’ frustration. These introspective journeys leave the modern seeker in the unique position to explore new branches of spirituality or combine new practices with the faith tradition they were born into.

While some celebrities and influencers are switching up their brands to monetize their sudden religious conversions, leaving some to question how authentic their spiritual walk really is, others seem sincerely convinced. While not everyone will take their spiritual walk quite so public, the following rising signs have strong astrological indicators in their upcoming transits that they will be reckoning with the divine in 2025.


With Saturn stationed in your ninth house of philosophy, religion, and higher knowledge, you’ve been undergoing a pruning process on your way to spiritual maturity. In 2025, as Saturn completes its transit through Pisces, you will reach the peak of the mountain. The toil has not been easy. Whether you’ve been deconstructing your childhood faith, sharpening your knowledge in theology, or attending seminary, you’ve been grappling with challenging existential questions. It hasn’t all been a mental process, though; with Sagittarius ruling your sixth house of daily habits, you feel most comfortable when you have cultivated a sense of ritual into your daily life. For some of you, this will now include attending religious services or incorporating prayer or meditation into your routine.


Saturn has been transiting your sixth house of health, habits, and routine, encouraging deeper and more mature application of spiritual practices. You’ve been greatly attuned to your physical body’s needs, strengths, and limitations, and many of you have likely begun incorporating yoga, pilates, breathwork, and other health-conscious practices into your daily routine. This, in turn, has given you a clearer head and enabled you to access the spiritual realm with more openness and curiosity. With Sagittarius ruling your third house of communication and local community, many of you grew up surrounded by religious influence and took time to sincerely study and understand what you were being taught; many of you were the prodigal sons and daughters of your families, feeling like spiritual outcasts. Whether you have chosen to leave the fold permanently or make your humble return, you’ll only do so once you feel confident in your convictions.


While Saturn has been transiting your first house of identity, you’ve been uncovering a new and potentially surprising reality: you are a spiritual being having a human experience. Depending on your religious upbringing (or lack thereof), this realization might be jarring or uncomfortable, or it might provide tremendous relief. Some of you may have undergone profound and powerful dark nights of the soul, or had near-death experiences, that reshaped your perception of existence. Your radical internal transformation might feel especially personal, but you have no choice but to explore it publicly, with Sagittarius ruling your tenth house of reputation, career, and legacy. Your spiritual exploration will inevitably help others through their struggles. Be courageous with your vulnerability. The world needs your unique perspective.