Elizaveta Rukhtina

3 Zodiacs Blessed by Mars Entering Aries on April 30, 2024

Mars, the planet of self-preservation, enters Aries on April 30, 2024. Confidence, passion, and pioneering flourish. Mars is in domicile, or at home, in the fiery Arian realm. During this time, unapologetic autonomy and leadership guide us to decisiveness. Self-doubt is squashed, allowing us to flourish. We instinctively react in the moment that our instincts urge us to. While this can lead to complications at times, it certainly guarantees that we tend to our needs.

Challenges relating to others may arise as we push for the life we deserve. However, these irritations will likely be temporary. Mutual motivation is more likely to occur. It’s time to set boundaries to remain self-assured. This reclamation of our own is empowering and healing. A warrior runs onto a battlefield in a chariot. No competition can stop them from reaching their desired destination. Victory is ours.

Mars will remain here until June 9, 2024. The following signs are the most impacted. Be sure to check if your Sun or Rising sign is listed below.


The planet of aggression, also your planetary ruler, Mars, arrives in your sign, Aries. Battles are fought so you can fulfill your goals. Luckily, you are up for the challenge. As you defeat obstacles, instant victory arrives. Confidence, self-assertion, and conviction fuel your spirit. Your youthful glow shines as you prioritize what makes you feel alive. 

Passion, determination, and wit fuel your motivations. No longer doubting your instincts, you allow yourself to strike while the iron is hot. Expect to be at the right place at the right time. While your assertive Aries energy can sometimes come on too strong, the opposite rings true for this transit. A leader is needed now. Ready to step up to the plate and escort yourself and others to success?


Passion brews in your relationships, Libra. Mars arrives home in Aries, highlighting your relationship sector. Hot chemistry, impulsive crushes, and power dynamics emerge. While you may experience frustration and bickering at times, excitement is primary. There will be so much to explore together. The options are endless.

Taking your needs into consideration, be mindful of boundaries. You cannot maintain long-term commitment off of the whims of the moment. Be sure to avoid conflict by voicing your desires directly. That way, you remain on the same page with loved ones. While the root challenges of situations will arise in connections, resolutions come just as quickly. Deeper conflict repair will allow you to build genuine trust. As you fight the battlefield of life, you know who is on your team and side louder than ever before.


Your traditional planetary ruler, Mars, is arriving home in Aries. Scorpio,  you are fueled with determination, conviction, and authority. The challenges that have prevented solutions to achieving your goals fall away. Productivity soars. A deeper understanding washes over you, allowing you to prioritize your actions. Time is spent wisely.

Practical, worldly goals are planned well for success. You find more mental space to tend to your mind, body, and spirit following. New health routines and habits ensure sustainable systems to balance life. While this transit may feel like hard work, all of it is a labor of love. Long-awaited relief finds you. Passion projects renew your spirit.