Sule Makaroglu

3 Zodiacs Entering A Transitional Life Phase On May 4

Some people have their lives all figured out. They get one idea of what their life could be and they make all the plans to get there. But some of us aren’t so lucky. Sometimes we need time to figure out exactly what we need without the pressures of family or the immediate gratification from the praise of those around us. This is what’s called a transitional life phase. You’re between things, looking for change, and needing some guidance. This isn’t a transition to be ashamed of. Just think of it as a moment of your life where a world of possibilities is being opened up to you. If you’re one of these three zodiac signs, May 4 is the perfect time to enter your transitional life phase.


You’ve known for a while that something has needed to change. It’s that feeling in the pit of your stomach–your intuition calling you in a way that you don’t always listen. Truth is, you’ve been hurtling toward this transitional life phase for a while now, and today is the perfect day to embrace it whole-heartedly. Accept the fact that you won’t know what’s going to happen next. Sometimes the best things in life happen when you least expect them.


You really hate when things don’t go to plan. You have it all figured out and then look: Tragedy strikes and you have to start over. Unfortunately, there’s only so much you can plan for in life. Sometimes life finds you whether you like it or not. During this transitional life phase, try your best to be open to whatever happens. This is your moment to really figure out if the plan you’ve been on this whole time is right for you. You may just find that it’s not.


You’re a really hard worker, which often means that you get so lost in a task that you don’t realize what’s going on around you. You may be unaware of your own feelings or of the opinions of others whom you care about. For this transitional life phase, look up from your work more. Be aware of your surroundings as well as how you feel about the path your life is taking. Don’t move forward just because it’s the path of least resistance.