Philip Martin

3 Zodiacs Entering Their Villain Era On March 2

Is it a villain era, or is it just you finally taking control of your life? A true “villain” arc isn’t about becoming a shady, mean version of yourself, but instead about finally putting yourself first. You don’t help others at your own expense, and for some zodiac signs, that’s a lifelong struggle. But on March 2, as you inch into a new month and ever closer to a transformative spring, you’re entering your villain era if you’re one of these three zodiac signs.


Although you’re known for being the most bull-headed and stubborn of the zodiac signs, that doesn’t mean you don’t usually put people first. You like to help the people you care about and that can sometimes mean you’ll put yourself in uncomfortable situations to do it. But today marks the first day of your new villain era. Celebrate it by being honest with what you need–not only to people you know but most of all to yourself. Don’t overextend yourself. Don’t do favors when you know you should be resting instead. Don’t give yourself away until there’s nothing left.


Being so sensitive and empathetic, it’s easy for you to give far too much of yourself to people who don’t have your best interests at heart. You’ve probably had your friends take you aside and warn you about trusting someone. They see you helping people that are obviously shady but you’re too sweet to see it. That sweetness is dissolving at the beginning of March and is leaving a hard shell behind. You’re learning that you can be nice to people without putting yourself last. Help people you trust, but don’t put yourself in situations where your generosity could get you hurt.


You love to help your friends. The closer you are, the more you’ll offer advice or money or a ride to the airport. While your friends likely consider you a ride-or-die for how awesome you treat them, they likely also wish you’d spend a little bit more time on yourself. Don’t ignore your own issues in favor of helping your friends. On March 2, get ready for your new villain era where you start saying “yes” not to others, but to yourself. Your true friends will appreciate the energy shift.