Thought Catalog Agency

3 Zodiacs Feeling Stuck On January 9

It’s a new year. You’re supposed to already be well on your way to achieving all the goals and dreams that you set out as the clock stuck midnight on New Year’s Eve. At least, that’s the kind of pressure you might be putting yourself under. Truth is, your journey isn’t linear. There’s a very real chance that you’re feeling stuck on January 9, especially if you’re one of these three zodiac signs. Remember that this is temporary and you’ll be able to pull yourself out of it, even if you might need a little assistance to get there.


You have a lot of grand plans and dreams that you’d love to bring to fruition. If you had your way, you’d be doing big things and fighting off masses of fans who love everything you do. But…actually making them happen is much easier said than done. While you might not like to admit it, you often act like things are out of your control when they’re really not. If you’re feeling stuck on January 9, you could be telling yourself that you would fix it if you could, as if you don’t have the power to enact change. You do, babe. You just have to take that first step, no matter how scary it might be.


Let’s face it: You’re too hard on yourself. Maybe it’s the fact that you really are more productive than a lot of people. It’s made you believe that you can handle and do absolutely anything. You’re not a robot, though. Everyone has moments where they make a mistake or need a break or don’t finish something in the time they hoped. It doesn’t make you bad, Virgo. On January 9, don’t listen to the voice in your head telling you that you’re a failure. It only makes things worse. We haven’t even made it through two weeks of 2024. There’s no reason why you should have achieved everything already anyway.


As much as you’d like to be in a good mood always, that’s just not how life works. You know as well as anyone that life can get in the way of your happiness whether you want it to or not. Add in the gloomy weather of winter and the boredom that plagues most of us in January and you’ve got the perfect recipe for feeling wholly and truly stuck. While you might feel like crap on January 9, that doesn’t mean you’ll be stuck here for long. Tomorrow is a new day.