3 Zodiacs Gaining Killer Confidence Before Libra Season Closes

Are you ready? Libra season has arrived!

From September 22nd to October 22nd, the Sun will be in the sociable, balanced sign of Libra, which will push us to want to connect with others and ourselves. Libra is all for uniting people and ensuring things are fair, but that won’t stop the cardinal air sign from putting themselves out there if the moment strikes! This season does have some power behind it, most notably due to the Solar Eclipse in Libra occurring on October 2nd. Eclipse season often shakes up what we expect and asks us to ensure we know what we want rather than sticking to autopilot in our daily lives. 

While all the zodiac signs will experience the effects of Virgo season, three signs may notice the season boosts their confidence to new levels! Check your sign below (Rising and Sun!) to see which three zodiac signs are going through a major confidence boost during Virgo season. Venus, Libra’s ruling planet, will mostly stay in Scorpio, making our connections and relationships feel more intense than usual. Mars will also continue its journey in Cancer, which may have us acting on our emotions more than we’re used to.

While all the signs will experience the effects of Libra season, a few will notice an extra kick in their step these next few weeks. Check your sign below (Rising and Sun!) to see which zodiac signs will go through a major confidence boost this Libra season!


Welcome to your season, Libra! Virgo season may have felt a little draining or lagging, but now, you’re ready to step into the spotlight with this season shining on your 1st House of Self and Identity. These next few weeks bring your focus back to who you are and how you want to be perceived, which could involve experimenting with a new look or style (your ruling planet is Venus, after all!) You’ll feel inspired to work on how you present yourself, and don’t be so surprised if others are drawn to what you’re putting out into the world (especially with Venus moving into sensuous Scorpio). Notably, you’ll want to pay attention when the Solar Eclipse occurs. While you may spend much of your time focusing on others, use this season to think about where you want to go and what you want out of life. Sometimes, we can lose sight of what we want in the haze of everyone else, but this season is letting you take the reigns back—it’s time to take charge and embrace it!


It’s time to cut loose, Gemini! Libra season lights up your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure, making it an extremely playful and explorative time of the year for you. You may desire to put yourself out there more; if you’re single, you may decide to go out on more dates or be bold in your flirtations as the Sun boosts your confidence in these areas. If you’re partnered, you may focus more on creating memorable or adventurous dates and fresh sparks in your connection. With the Solar Eclipse occurring in this house, you may also have some powerful realizations surrounding how you pursue happiness, what makes you feel alive, and the motivation to make these things happen. While you’ll still have responsibilities to attend to, this season is still meant for you to relax and have some fun, so take advantage!


All eyes are on you, Capricorn! With Libra season shining on your 10th House of Career and Public Image, your name is on the lips of everyone, most notably for your determination and ability to see things through. You’ve been contemplating what you want out of life, and now it’s time to chart a course that will allow you to get precisely where you need to be. With the Solar Eclipse occurring this season, you may even experience a shift into what you think you should be focusing on versus what you were meant to do in this life. Be open to changes, but ultimately, listen to your gut here. You’ll feel more assured in yourself before the season ends, and you wear that confidence well, so enjoy it!