Matheus Bertelli

3 Zodiacs Most Impacted By Venus Entering Gemini

The planet of love glides into the dualistic airs of Gemini this Thursday, May 23, 2024. It remains in this realm until Monday, June 17, 2024. Our collective love language yearns for witty banter and flirting. If you’ve got a good chat, winning over hearts comes naturally. The gift of gab varies from playful topics to spirited conversations. No question is left unturned. 

Often, language alludes to us. However, articulating our love comes with ease during this time. The more interested we are in a crush, lover, or friend alike, the more we crave to know their mindset, inside and out. Intellectual stimulation becomes the new sexy. Similar philosophies are the baseline requirement.

Although Venus entering Gemini will impact us all, the Air signs will experience the most Venusian themes during its transit.


Venus visiting Gemini showers you with Venusian allure. The planet of affection and admiration graces your personality sector, bringing popularity, likeability, and intrigue to others. As you glow inside and out, expect more attention. Single Geminis can make the most of this interest by approaching their crushes earnestly. Coupled Geminis will be surprised by an influx of romantic activity as another sweep of a honeymoon phase washes over you and your lover.

A chatty buzz fills the air, making you a social butterfly. Getting out of the house and into the world becomes a priority. An agenda full of fun events, intriguing conversations, and strengthening connections, expect an eventful transit. Luck, ease, and magnetism bring you newfound opportunities without much stress and effort. 


There’s a world out there, Libra. You’re meant to explore it, even through its unpredictable twists and turns. This Gemini Venus transit doesn’t make you interested in playing it safe. You want to grow, expand, and experience it all. Lovers and friends from different cultures and backgrounds can appear on your path. For some Libras, meeting crushes under academic, spiritual, or traveling circumstances can be very likely. An overall wanderlust energy washes over your romantic and social life, making you eager to learn more.

This transit is lucky. However, you may feel confused by your sudden abundance of options and potential opportunities. Focus is the balm to your indecisiveness. While you go after all you desire, you can’t make it all happen at once. Pace yourself. Dream big, but direct your actions strategically, proactively, and realistically. 


Venus enters Gemini, and your romantic sector is illuminated. The planet of affection naturally loves love. This is the transit to allow who and what you want to come to you rather than chasing them. Venusian energy is charming, alluring, and magnetic. Venus doesn’t exert hard work or effort to get what it wants. Therefore, know that the resonant crushes, lovers, and friends will naturally gravitate towards you.

For Aquarians looking to have children, this good be an auspicious transit for fertility. For others, simply a connection to their inner child could spiritually rejuvenate them. Hobbies, talents, and creativity peak. As your social life is stimulated, you’ll likely bond with others through shared interests and fun activities. There’s no need to take yourself too seriously during a Gemini Venus transit. Humor, playfulness, and a lighthearted approach to life get all you need.