3 Zodiacs That Look Like Sweet Lambs But Are Cutthroat Lions
These signs are not to be underestimated.
Cancer, you’ve put on a sweet and emotional front for a long time. People assume you’re just this ethereal empath who’s overwhelmed by all their emotions and all the hardships of the world. While that may be true, it’s also true that you’ll take what you want when you want it. You are ruthless in the pursuit of your desires – and anyone who stands in your way is just an unfortunate casualty.
No list about who’s more underestimated can be complete without mentioning a Sagittarius. This social butterfly seems like they’re overflowing with optimism and grace. Some may even underestimate their intelligence because they seem so friendly and giving. But in reality, Sagittarius is capable of the most cutthroat comebacks in response to bullies and execute the sharpest tactics to ensure they stay on top. People forget that they’re among the intellectual masterminds of the Zodiac, ruled by higher learning. If you reciprocate their kindness with cruelty, you’re about to experience what makes this philosophical archer so feared by many. And they will carry out their plans behind the scenes, ensuring no one ever sees what’s coming.
People knew you could be serious, but they didn’t realize you could be this serious. The flirty and cheeky Taurus can be mistaken as someone who gets along well with others – a cozy homebody who’s never up to anything nefarious. Yet their stern demeanor when someone is exploiting them gives hints that there’s something darker lurking underneath – and that darkness will come out when someone is trying them. The steadfast bull will charge toward anyone toxic who attempts to challenge them. And they will always win.