Rajaa Lemnari

3 Zodiacs Who Are Brutally Honest


Straightforward, assertive, and action-oriented, Aries is born to be forthcoming. This trait manifests itself through verbal language, action, and non-verbal cues. Aries is born a natural fighter, and will take initiative to get the job done. Not one to linger on emotions, Aries will tell you how it is and quickly move on to whatever task demands their attention next. At times, Aries may come across as impatient and insensitive, but if you listen carefully, you’ll likely hear words of deep and necessary wisdom.


Attentive to detail and aligned to seek perfection, Virgo is in highest expression when being of service to self and others. They do well in healing professions and are able to communicate feedback with objectivity, speaking from places of kindness and candor. As a mutable earth sign, Virgo presents challenges in a way others can receive and integrate tangibly. Be mindful, however, that a tendency towards self-analysis can border self-criticism. If left unchecked, Virgo may be left with feelings of immense restlessness, burnout, or frustration.


Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, Sagittarius’ ambitious personality leads them to be a lifelong learner. Sagittarius builds an ongoing framework of life infused with a sense of meaning and unwavering optimism. An animal-like nature keeps Sagittarius welcoming and unafraid of new experiences. Although open-minded, they risk becoming overly dogmatic in their belief system. An ongoing search for truth and meaning inspires Sagittarius to share and speak their perspective while continuing to develop a holistic life philosophy. The challenge for Sagittarius is to both speak their truth while remaining open to infinite outcomes.