Sergio López

3 Zodiacs Who Dream Big (But Don’t Believe In Themselves)


Air-ruled and Venus-governed Libra is the most idealistic and romantic sign of the zodiac. They not only have idealistic visions of how this world should be, but of how they desire to create more beauty and fairness within it. This sign has huge dreams for themselves. A little known fact about Libra is that they’re extremely dedicated beings determined to make their aspirations a reality. However, they tend to get in the way of their own ambitions. Libra is so fixated on symmetry that sometimes it spirals into striving for perfectionism. This need for equilibrium and balance can lead to self-doubt when things don’t go as expected and fail to align with their ideal vision. Another struggle for Libra is their need for external validation, which often leads to self-doubt. Libra also struggles with deep insecurity, which may be fueled by a romantic past in which someone toxic bent them to their will, making them feel like they had to be someone else. Libra could realize their potential if they stopped caring so much about what other people think and stopped comparing themselves to others. To overcome their indecisiveness, they just need to start taking riskier, bolder steps towards their future. 


Virgo has a strong sense of purpose and determination. They’ve always been clear on what they want to accomplish and the life they desire to create for themselves. This zodiac finds meaning in being productive. In fact, staying busy is restorative and calming to them. For them, there’s nothing more important in the world than getting through their long list of goals. They have big dreams of a stable, fruitful life. Unfortunately, this zodiac sign loses faith in themselves along the way. Virgo is so meticulous and detail-oriented that whatever they strive for, it always involves perfection. They’re highly critical of others, yes, but there’s no one they’re more critical of than themselves. Making mistakes or being imperfect in any capacity often comes with a price—self-doubt and self-flagellation. It can lead to them talking themselves out of every good thing they believe about themselves, causing setbacks. Virgo needs to learn to be more flexible and forgiving with themselves. No one ever came to possession of their greatest desires by being perfect—they had to make errors and face their faults, and learn from those to evolve into something greater. 


Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet that governs over creativity, inspiration, dreams, magic, and intuition. This is the most imaginative sign of the zodiac, and perhaps the one with the grandest dreams. Because they tend to romanticize this world and find beauty in aspects others would overlook, there’s nothing that they desire more than to turn their life into their greatest work of art. Pisces doesn’t get enough credit for their visionary thinking, but they may even beat Aquarius when it comes to it. They want it all—a soft and magical life, love, an artistic reality, to be known and respected for their work. The problem often lies in stage fright. They have a hard time presenting their ideas to others, and often believing in those ideas themselves. This is largely due to the fact they’ve been made to feel like they’re “too much” or “delusional” throughout most of their lives. They also struggle with self-doubt because of how often they’ve been hurt and made to feel like they’re not enough. Pisces would benefit from practicing affirmations, self-compassion, and positive self-talk. Taking a look at how far they’ve come will help them have faith in how far they’ve yet to go.