3 Zodiacs Who Must Emotionally Purge If They Want To Meet Their Soulmate
These three signs need an intense emotional cleanse before they are able to recognize and merge with a healthy soulmate in the coming New Year.
It’s called catharsis for a reason, Leo, and you’ve been holding back. You’ve hidden your sorrow behind cheerful smiles and swept past relationship trauma under the rug hoping it would never find its way to you again. Your positivity and optimism are honorable but remember that all your emotions deserve to be honored. When you tap into the emotions that have been buried for so long, you’ll unearth your strength and resilience. Your idealism will be balanced by peace. Your true soulmate in this life will cherish your hard-won wisdom and align with everything you’ve had to overcome in order to gain it.
It’s time to clear that heart space and make way for new beginnings, Virgo. For such a meticulous and detailed sign, you’ve lost sight of the bigger picture. Running away from your anger doesn’t solve anything – spiritually bypassing your rage won’t make it go away. Instead of being nicer to toxic people, it’s time to be kinder to yourself and find a healthy outlet for how you truly feel. Setting boundaries is a must and so is reconnecting with how you have felt violated in the past so that history doesn’t repeat itself. Cleanse and purge yourself of emotions that are hindering your ability to navigate your relationships with ease and you will open yourself to healthier soulmates in the future.
You protect your heart by running away and this has worked for you for quite some time, Sagittarius. But the truth is, you’ve seen the glimmers of what it feels like when you’re in a deep soul connection and you search for a greater meaning in your relationships. Love is just as much about risk as it is reward although it is good to guard your vulnerability to protect yourself. It’s time to face the emotions you’ve been repressing and clear out old negativity from past cycles of destruction. An emotional cleanse will help you see with more clarity whether you’re reacting to people around you through your fear of abandonment or discernment. You’ll be able to see a true soulmate with clear eyes when you’re not so clouded in what healthy love looks and feels like.