Kseniya Buraya

3 Zodiacs Who Must Search Their Dreams For Life-Changing Clues


As a practical sign, you may not be familiar with analyzing your dreams or keeping a dream journal. You, Taurus, tend to be more grounded in reality than in your subconscious. However, analyzing your dreams can provide you with insights that will lend you a lot of useful knowledge in the real world – not just while you sleep. As someone who’s familiar with your comfort zone, learning to understand your dreams can help you make some serious strides when it comes to growth and self-improvement. Who knows, Taurus, connecting with the dream world might bring you more insights than you think.


Aquarius, if you’re not paying attention to your dreams, you really should be. As an innovator, much of your inspiration and motivation can actually happen while you sleep. Convening with your subconscious while you’re asleep can lend you solutions to the problems you have while you’re awake – keeping track of your dreams may net you a few signs or symbols of inspiration you can use in your projects. Focusing on your dreams when you’re awake can also help you notice and retain more once you’re asleep.


For you, Virgo, dreams are a fast track to understanding your inner workings. From things you’re anxious about that you’re totally unaware of to subconscious desires you have yet to manifest, there are plenty of benefits that will come from you learning to understand your dreams. As an analytical sign, you’d have no trouble adjusting to keeping a detailed log of all your dreams (and you’d probably enjoy going through each plot and symbol to create a thorough analysis, too). If you’re really dedicated (and let’s be honest, you very much are), you could even create a tracker to determine how your dreams change based on real-life events, periods of stress, and your energy levels.