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3 Zodiacs Who Need Lots Of Reassurance In Their Relationships

We all need reassurance from time to time, but these three zodiacs need confirmation of love and commitment more than others.

1. Aries

Aries tends to lose themselves in relationships. They become enamored by the romance and sincerely enjoy the chase. However, after a while, the running can get exhausting. Because of this, Aries will look to their partner for reassurance that they can take a break from chasing for a while and that their partner isn’t leaving them.

2. Cancer

It takes Cancer a lot to open up their heart. They’re incredibly self-protective when it comes to love. When Cancer does happen to find themselves in a serious relationship, they will need lots of reassurance and attention in order to stay confident and happy. Because Cancer is so intuitive, they’ll easily pick up on changes in mood and can take those shifts very personally. This is why constant verbal confirmation that everything is okay is necessary for them.

3. Leo

Leo adores romance and being doted on. They are particularly keen on physical attention and being shown off. Because Leo also requires being the center of attention in any scenario, they absolutely need to be the center of their partner’s universe. For Leo, this means lots of reassurance in the forms of attention, flattery, and physical affection.