Jakob Wandel

3 Zodiacs Who Need To Let Go Of The One Who Got Away On November 16

Most of us have someone from our pasts who we could call “the one who got away.” They’re from the relationship that had to end because of outside forces rather than a fundamental lack of compatibility. They’re the crush you never quite got over. They’re the person who ghosted you but you still think about what could have been. Though it’s normal to have a one that got away, it crosses into dangerous territory when you’re focusing all of your energy on that person. For the following three zodiac signs, November 16 is the perfect day to finally let go of the one who got away.


When you think of the one who got away, it’s less than you miss that person and want them back in your life and more that you use it as a way to beat yourself up. You look back and blame yourself for things not working out. If only you could have done something differently or better. Maybe then you’d be happily married to the one that got away? Truth is, you have no idea if things would have worked out. Perhaps you were destined not to end up with them. This November 16, let your guilt go so you can stop beating yourself up.


You’re well known for being the zodiac who’s constantly hung up on your ex. For you, your “one who got away” isn’t an old crush or a meaningless fling–it’s the ex who broke your heart. It’s easy to look back and think about all the ways you could have done things differently. After all, you’ve grown and changed as a person since then. But you were who you were then, and so were they, and you can’t change that. On November 16, accept that you can’t go back in time and change the past. You’re different now, and you deserve to move on from your ex.


Your thoughts about the one who got away aren’t necessarily sad or upsetting. Instead, you romanticize them. With the rose-colored glasses of the past, you look back on them as if they were the perfect person for you. You fantasize about what it would be like for you to find each other again in the future, and those ideas are always full of butterflies and kisses in the rain, as if you’re living a romantic comedy. People are rarely what we build them up to be in our heads, and that’s especially the case for your one that got away. Use November 16 as the day you finally let them go so you can create those romantic ideals with someone new.