Pegah Sharifi

3 Zodiacs Who Second-Guess Every Decision They Make


The sign of the twin is often known for being conflicted and indecisive. You’ve got a lot on your to-do list and always jump around from one activity to another. You can’t seem to stay still, but you also can’t seem to figure out what they want. You sometimes end up trying to do everything at once, while other times you spend too long deciding and don’t end up doing anything at all. Though you have endless amounts of interests, passions, and curiosities, you never really seem to know what you want from most of them.


Your sign often has a tough time deciding on things because you’re spontaneous and love freedom. When something threatens your schedule, you tend to pass it by. This makes you indecisive about your career and even about certain hobbies. You like to leave things open to opportunity – which ironically means you miss out on committed activities. 


Your sign is known for being indecisive. You usually take others’ opinions into account too frequently when you’re trying to make a decision. When it comes to your morals and personal values, you often have an easy time figuring out what is right (and what action you want to take). But if other people are involved, you struggle to speak up for yourself. It can also seem confusing for you because you may genuinely not be able to decipher whether you’re choosing an option because you want it or because the other people in your group do.