
3 Zodiacs Who Should Be Wary Of Energy Vampires On November 24

Have you heard of energy vampires? They aren’t just characters on What We Do in the Shadows. An energy vampire is someone who saps all your energy when you’re around them. They’ll drone on about literally anything, but especially boring topics, so that by the time you manage to crawl away from them, you’re exhausted. You probably have at least one energy vampire in your life. If you’re one of the following three zodiac signs, steer clear of energy vampires on November 24. Your energy levels have already dipped thanks to the changing season, so it’d be better if you could conserve what you have left.


When it comes to social situations, you tire out easily. And for the day after Thanksgiving, your patience is at the end of its rope. While you might feel pressured to say yes to social engagements on November 24, this is your permission to say no. Two social days in a row is just to much for you, and almost anyone will become an energy vampire for you if you don’t listen to the voice in your head telling you to stay home and hibernate. It’s okay to stay away from people when you just can’t handle it.


It’s really easy for you to fall into the trap of an energy vampire. Because you care so much about the wellbeing of others, you will listen to their complaints for far longer than most people. While you’re doing it to be helpful, your empathy can sometimes backfire and you end up absorbing way more of their negativity than is good for you. While it might feel nearly impossible to avoid the energy vampires in your life on November 24, do yourself a favor and steer clear. Everyone needs time to recharge, and that includes you.


There are two things about you that energy vampires love: You’re great at getting things done and you don’t mind telling people exactly what they should do. That draws people to you who want you to dictate their lives for them. While it may feel like fun at first, it can get mighty draining. It doesn’t feel good when people use you, too. On November 24, ignore everyone’s calls and texts. Just focus on your own life for a while rather than helping the people who take advantage of your empathy and generosity.