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3 Zodiacs Who Should Soften Their Hearts In 2024


Taurus, you’ve let your heart harden over the years and practically refuse to let yourself be vulnerable and open up to anyone. You don’t feel safe if you’re not in control, so you constantly find reasons to sway you away from taking a chance and trusting someone new. Instead, you make people jump through hoops to test their trustworthiness. They could do everything right—follow through with actions, be consistent, prove their loyalty—and you still hold room for doubt. You have let past heartbreak and betrayals take power over your present and future. So afraid are you of being taken advantage of again that you’ve allowed what was once soft to turn to stone. Let 2024 be the year that you welcome new possibilities and embrace the unknown. There’s nothing you desire more than a reliable and steady love—you won’t find it unless you’re willing to risk it all. 


You made a promise to yourself to be done pouring your soul and heart into other people. Once upon a time you were willing to do everything in your power if it meant making someone who you loved profoundly happy. Their betrayal made you even more wary of trusting others than you already were. You sense danger and ulterior motives in not just every new person you meet, but in those already in your life. You’re guarded and secretive, so much so that you struggle to even reach out for help when you need it. Things feel so heavy because you don’t allow yourself to lean on others. You’re carrying more than any human being should bear alone. Let your heart thaw out this new year, Scorpio, even if it means bursting open from all the emotions you’ve tried holding in. Stuffing things in doesn’t make them go away, it only suffocates you. Who knows. Little by little you could get to a point where you’re ready to embrace the deep, passionate love you’ve always yearned for. 


Capricorn, you overthink the actions and words of others so much to the point where you frame yourself as the victim in some situations in which you shouldn’t. When something goes wrong, you’re so quick to see the other person as the problem and never stop to ask yourself if maybe you have a hand in the problem. You have trouble having uncomfortable conversations, because you don’t handle criticism well—even the gentlest kind. It’s because you strive so hard not just for perfection, but to be the best person that you can be—you truly yearn to make this world a better place. It’s a symptom of being so hard on yourself. So, when those conversations surface you shut yourself up to people and take it personally. You let your heart harden to people who love you so dearly—and who you love—because you twist it in your head that they’re holding something against you when they’re not. You’re beautiful, resilient, and soft-hearted deep inside. In 2024, soften your heart to those who love you and realize that some things can be easily solved and talked through. Not everything is an offense, Capricorn. Don’t jeopardize relationships before looking at the bigger picture.