Sophia Sinclair

3 Zodiacs Who Should Stay Away From Everyone On January 31

There’s something freeing about being alone. It’s a moment to check in with yourself to figure out how you’re feeling and what you need out of life. Or it could simply be a time to just sleep or watch shows without having to clear it with anyone first. Whether it’s because you need space or you’re ready to blow up if someone says something out of turn, you might need some space away from everyone on January 31 if you’re one of these three zodiac signs. There’s nothing wrong with asking for space. Go get it, babe.


It might be hard to admit to yourself, but your emotional and social bandwidth has been at an all-time low lately. Maybe it’s the season or the weather or just the natural ebb and flow of life, but it’s manifesting as exhaustion anytime you’re around people. You might feel guilty saying no when people want to see you today, but don’t let that negative voice in your head keep you from doing what’s right with you. Refill your battery by being alone and doing the easy things that make you feel more fulfilled. Even just a day of guilt-free self care can do a world of good.


Although you often like to include people on your adventures, deep down you prefer to go it alone. You’re a highly independent person and sitting at a restaurant solo or going on a trip by yourself doesn’t sound like the scary prospect most people make it out to be. Today, accept the fact that you like to do things on your own. Without someone else’s input, you can spend the day doing things exactly the way you envision them. And what’s better than that?


Your fuse is incredibly short right now. Anyone’s nonsense, no matter how much you love them, is just getting to you. Heck, you might even snap at people without realizing it as you’ll be even less friendly than usual. While you could stick around people and let the drama unfold, it’d probably be better if you just stayed away from everyone. After all, you don’t actually want to hurt anyone’s feelings.