Becca Correia

3 Zodiacs Who Struggle To Find Love (Because They’re Stuck In The Past)


Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, which influences them to be deeply romantic and relationship-oriented beings. As the fixed earth sign of the zodiac, Taurus craves stability. When they choose to commit themselves to another person, it’s not a decision they make lightly. Taurus makes that commitment because they see long-lasting potential with that person—someone they could build a life with. A relationship for this zodiac sign is like an investment, which is why they’re such devoted, steadfast, and loyal partners. Taurus is also someone who finds comfort in familiarity. Change completely shatters their sense of grounding. When a relationship ends, it can take them a long time to get over that loss. They have a tendency to dwell on, and even romanticize, the past. Doing so, closes them off from making new connections that perhaps are better suited. Often, it’s not their ex they miss or how things were, but the sense of security the relationship provided, no matter how false, and the idea of what could have been. Deep down, their struggles with letting go of the past have more to do with their fear of embracing the unknown. If Taurus could learn to take risks in romance and open themselves up again, they’d rediscover love—better, more compatible, safer love.


Like the crab they’re symbolized by, Cancers have a tough exterior, but it’s only there to protect their soft, deeply sensitive interior. They’re not necessarily guarded, Cancer just needs to be absolutely certain that they’re safe with someone, before they can allow themselves to trust that person enough to open up. This is why it takes time and energy for Cancers to enter serious, committed relationships. While it’s not easy for them to get to that point, finding “the one” is their ultimate life’s desire. This sign is associated with the fourth house of home and family. They spend their lives waiting for the ideal person to build something strong with. Once they find who they believe to be that person, they don’t want that love to ever end. When it does, they often lose themselves, because they become so emotionally attached to their significant other. Letting go isn’t just difficult for them, it’s almost a refusal of sorts. Cancer struggles with breaking ties. They hang on, finding comfort in nostalgia and self-soothing with memories of the past. Often, they remain friends with their exes. Even when they try to move on, they tend to compare anyone new they meet to their former lover. In order to open themselves up to the possibility of love again, Cancer needs to do the following: go no-contact, get rid of everything that reminds them of their ex, focus on all the reasons why the relationship wasn’t meant to be, and in some cases, vilify their ex. 


Scorpio is a sign of intensity and extremes. Scorpio doesn’t get angry, they become enraged. Scorpio doesn’t feel sad, they feel despondent and forlorn. Scorpio isn’t merely happy, they’re ecstatic. Scorpio doesn’t just love, they’re willing to sacrifice everything for the object of their affection. This zodiac sign may not fall in love easily, but when they do, it’s all-consuming. They hand over their entire being to that person. For them, love is a deeply spiritual experience, one in which they show parts of themselves they’ve never allowed other people to discover. Vulnerability means everything to Scorpio. As a creature who spends a lot of time diving into the depths of their soul and psyche, there’s nothing they desire more than emotional intimacy, even when it’s the thing that scares them the most. Because they don’t open up often, heartbreak sends them into a dark pit of despair. Many Scorpios stay stuck there for a long time, obsessing over their ex and romanticizing the pain, even when the relationship’s demise was in their best interest. Other Scorpios transmute their pain into hate. Either way, they become impenetrable. Scorpio couldn’t bear it if they were to be vulnerable again, only to end up hurt and disappointed. If they would stop letting their past have so much control over them, Scorpio would eventually meet someone who loves as ferociously as they do. In order to do that, they must confront their emotional wounds, so that they may truly heal them and realize that trust isn’t always broken. It’s not giving into love again that makes you weak, but closing yourself off in fear of it.